27 Oct 2009

Fire Alarm at 6:30 am

It's NOT a good way to start the day by waking up to the fire alarm at 6:30 am. orz. Although technically I was supposed to wake up at 7 am today anyway so I didn't lose that much sleep, but the alarm was deafening and quite traumatic! It was dark and cold outside ):

I feel quite disoriented today, keep mixing up words. -_-


Some attention-seeking, indecisive, impatient, immature, inconsiderate and manipulative people need to grow up.

24 Oct 2009



Too tired and busy to blog!

It's finally weekend.


Weather is gloomy. Having a slight headache and bad cramps. So exhausted.

This week was quite overwhelming. A suitemate overdosed on sleeping aid and had to be sent to intensive care. Planned room-mate's surprise birthday party. Placement work and the usual work load.

Have to start planning my spring courses! >_< Why is there always an endless list of things to do...

15 Oct 2009

Sucky day

So, I got up at 7:15 am today and ate a microwavable pepperoni & cheese pocket before I went to AACA. On the T ride, I broke out in cold sweat, saw stars, felt nauseous and could barely stand. Finally reached the Bolyston stop, got off the T and barfed. It was supposed to rain today so I brought my umbrella and a plastic bag, which obviously became my barf bag... I can't imagine how worse it could get if I didn't have the plastic bag!

Felt incredibly weak and had to call the PULSE council member to cancel my work at AACA today. After getting everything out of my system I felt better, then I have to commute back to school... took a nap and went for my exams at 1:30 pm. Cancelled work in the afternoon. Had a bad headache...

I'm not sure if the sandwich pocket was the cause, or because it was too cold outside, or I didn't get enough sleep this week, or the rocky T ride, or low blood pressure?!

It was quite scary. Yeah.

I wish every Thursday night was Friday night -_-

12 Oct 2009

Hot Pot!

It was awesomeee (:

Yeah I know I look weird... I was eating...

I wanna eat pad thai! >_<

10 Oct 2009



Fell asleep today while trying to read Aristotle's Metaphysics. Still sleepy... don't even know why!

Two exams coming up next week. So not fun... At least it's Columbus Day on Monday so we have a three-day weekend, wheeeeeee.

Had a really great dinner yesterday, ordered from Bangkok Bistro restaurant, I'll never be happy with cafeteria food again! Pad thai and curry! >_< Damn it, I miss good asian food! Watched "Tropic Thunder," and it was hilarious, the actors were cool! Ben Stiller, Robert Downey Jr., Jack Black, Tom Cruise etc.

Then went back to our suite and played Truth or Dare. Omgh... I know all too well how that game can get really mad but still gave in to peer pressure? -_-

I need to studyyy.

8 Oct 2009




双子也很怕被伤害,很多时候宁愿自己承受一切,也不愿别人抓住自己的把柄。所以久而久之也就养成了习惯。 双子基本上也是个很痛苦的人。表面上总是很有活力,很快乐的样子,可是没人的时候他又总是很忧伤。双子总会被一种莫名的悲伤笼罩。但他不会让别人发现的,他怕被伤害,也怕被别人抛弃,只能自己硬挺着一切。所以双子很神经质,精神脆弱,容易人格分裂,因为承受了太多的东西.

双子是被公认的最花心、最冷酷无情的星座。其实对于双子的花心,真的不想再说些什么了。解释得太多,累了,也没耐心了。可是说起双子,就不得不提感情,双子这一生,似乎必须被感情牵伴,跟爱情纠缠一世。很多人说双子并不花心,只是博爱,所以才会有那么好的人缘。忘了在哪里看见了这样的一句话:双子最大的悲哀在于有两个人的思想,却只有一个人的身体,双子有爱自己所爱的人的权利,也有保护彼此所爱的人的义务,双子只剩下一个时,爱也就只剩下义务了。 我想用如来若去说的一句话给双子的花心做个总结:花心的极端就是痴心的可怕。该懂的人应该会懂的。至于冷酷无情真的不知道该从何说起。其实双子是最平和的星座,如果可以不发生冲突,都会尽量避免。双子也很少跟别人吵架,他讨厌吵架,如果是因为一些生活琐碎小事吵架,那么双子就在吵完的那一刻就把这件事给忘了;


每个双子都有一个故事隐藏在心里,多数是不堪回首的往事,双子是个念旧或者说是喜欢沉浸在回忆中的星座,他(她)的这个故事通常都是因情所困, 动了感情而被伤害了的双子是脆弱的,也是坚强的,他(她)可以很快的振作起来,可以当什么事都没有发生,这些都是双子演给世人看的罢了,等到夜深人静的时候,双子内心的伤痛随着血液渗透到全身,他(她)可以一整夜的去回忆之前的点点滴滴,可以一整夜的沉浸在痛苦之中,可以一整夜坐在那里发呆,但是,一旦天亮了,要出去见人了,双子马上就从痛苦中抽身而走,你看到的肯定是一个神采奕奕的双子,这就是双子,拥有双重性格的双子,一个在世人面前乐天,快乐,在孤独夜晚独自伤悲的双子。


6 Oct 2009


AACA turned out ok... The getting up early part is not fun, but oh well...

I need to stop creating troubles for myself. Seriously.


Why is my happiness dependent on some factor that I can't control?

5 Oct 2009


So... I have to fulfill 8 hours of placement time, so there'll be some changes to the schedule now.

I hate uncertainties in life.

Yet I get bored easily too.

Why am I such a contradictory person...

Okay, I'm PMS.

2 Oct 2009

Dang it.

Okay, got rejected by Rosie's, going to AACA. Which means waking up at 7:30/8 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursday. Oh joy.


Ok ok, at least I have a placement now. Sigh.

And it's Friday!

I shall not think of things that bother me.

1 Oct 2009

Doki doki

I'm so anxious about Rosie's Place's reply... >_<

I really don't want to wake up at 8 a.m. and rush back for class...

But at least I have something to fall back on...

Decisions decisions!

Please tell me this is not happening...
Quickened heartbeats.
Avoiding eye contact.
Disappointment and joy.
Flushed faces and fidgety hands.
Restlessness and longing.
I can't handle this.