28 Feb 2009



终于熬到spring break!!

I have math homework, music paper and a music mid-term after the break, but it's OK! I'm happy now!

Today's the last day of Feb, which means two months++ before I'm back to Asia! It's like near but not very very near... if that makes sense.

My four future suit-mates all have Chinese backgrounds, either came from China years ago or ABC. Still need 3 more people before we can get 8-men suites! I think it's ridiculous that we need 8 people... but that probably means the suit is like huge? Hahaha. I miss being able to mix Chinese words into whatever I'm saying and people can understand! :D

I'm probably not making a lot of sense, cause this is like way too early for me to wake up on a weekend! Ok, brunch with the girls! Ciao!

27 Feb 2009

What on earth..............


So weird but so funny!

By the way, type "I am extremely" in Google and look at the suggested searches!! O_O

24 Feb 2009


What Makes a Bad Boyfriend?

Very interesting!

I want to confess that even though I work in the library and is always surrounded by intellectual books, I still like trashy books, a lot :P

And I'm so damn happy that music mid-term is postphoned till after spring break! OHMYGOSH! I was so thrilled by the professor's announcement that I had a wide, splitting grin plastered on my face the entire class. Okay, I exaggerated, but I'm really, really, really happy! Wahaha!

It's still really cold even though spring break is only like a few days away!!

Aiya, I have nothing inspiring to talk about... only random things like majority of the people actually use AIM and Twitter is like the new facebook, and I've tried neither!

Need to take an online exam today. I hate how detailed the questions are. Abhor.

16 Feb 2009

Joanne Loh! I found an article on Ron Jeremy on Time! Haha thanks to you now I can recognize his name :P

Ron Jeremy: My Life as a Porn Star

While this is very saddening...

A 10-Year-Old Divorcée Takes Paris

12 Feb 2009


Got math exam tomorrow! Boohoo. But after tomorrow it's weekend again!

This is super interesting! 25 Random Things…About Health

Some excerpts... (got more links to explore at the webpage)

2. Dogs can smell cancer and low blood sugar.

3. People who enter their home through a door near the kitchen tend to eat 15% more than those who use the front door.

5. You can’t get a tan from your computer screen. No matter what this website tells you.

9. A 60-minute nap can improve alertness for up to 10 hours. The most widely accepted record for going without a nap—or any sleep whatsoever—is 264 hours (11 days).

16. Third-hand smoke—the particles that cling to smokers’ hair and clothing and linger in a room long after they’ve left—is a cancer risk to young children (and pets).

18. Trained sexologists can infer a woman’s orgasm history by observing the way she walks. In other research news, men find women who wear red sexier than those who wear “cool” colors such as blue and green.

19. Foreign Accent Syndrome, Exploding Head Syndrome, and Alice in Wonderland Syndrome are all real (but very rare) medical conditions.

21. Some men experience pain, headaches, or sneezing as a result of ejaculation.

23. Almonds, avocados, and arugula lettuce can boost your sex drive and improve fertility.

25. Facebook may be good for your health: Studies show that staying in touch with family and friends can ward off memory loss and help you live longer.

HAHA. I really laughed out loud at the last one :P

In regards to the 2nd fact, another interesting article to read: Dogs Sniff Out Clues in the Fight Against Cancer

Medical facts intrigue me, even though I'm not even doing Bio or anything XD

10 Feb 2009

More random things!

Ok I officially suck at blog titles :P

More articles to share!!

25 More Things I Didn't Want to Know About You

Hahaha a continuation of the last one.

Steve Harvey: What Men Really Think

I want this book man!

This Is Why You're Fat

Very very gross!

Post Secret


6 Feb 2009

Yay Friday!


It's so freaking cold! ):

Too tired/lazy to blog, but wanna share a very interesting article, about the 25 facts thing that was going around on Facebook :P

25 Things I Didn't Want to Know About You

3 Feb 2009


It snows again!! So so so so pretty!

New snow sparkles like a carpet of tiny diamonds! :D Prettier than any kind of decoration, hahaha. Wah, I've never spent Valentines surrounded by snow leh! o_o

Sorry it's like 6+ after I finished work, too dark to see anything...

Yesterday was rather warm, and I was happy, but today's really pretty! Kinda tied about which kind of day I like more, but whatever it's not like I can decide :p

Interesting article: The Biology of Dating: Why Him, Why Her?

2 Feb 2009

No time!

Busy busy busy! Tests and quizzes all coming up! ):

Only first day of the week, already tired...

So in order to cheer myself up and make this entry less pointless I'm going to bombard you guys with pictures... of earrings! :D

Hahaha I'm bored lah ok! Busy but bored! At least got update ok!