21 Mar 2009

Oops. Lots of dust.

Sorry I haven't updated in eons!

Really busy and also really blocked.

Spring festival (very belated) celebration dinner was tonight, sang 梁山伯于朱丽叶 duet with friend (girl).

Had rehearsal last night, until 11. Then had wardrobe crisis cause I had nothing bright to wear. Probably starting revising Math at midnight. Friday class at 10, 11 is lunch+duet practice, then Math exam at 12, class at 1, work from 2-5. Went back to dorm to change, then went to rehearsal. Then rehearsed and hanged around until dinner starts... FAMISHED! But, ate too much ): Probably shouldn't have eaten so much before singing, oh well, it was good chinese food though!

Yah... tired now! Sleep!

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