27 Sept 2009

Are you ok?

I think so...

It's ok if you're not...

I really don't know.

I don't even know if I believe in the words I used to comfort others.

Maybe you don't have to believe in the words for them to have the effect.

I guess not.

How do you know if you're really ok?

How do you know if you're missing something in your life?

How do you know if you're going down the right path?

Stupid rainy weekend.

你说会记得我 还记得吗?

26 Sept 2009


Wow I'm so easily bored.

Even omgpop.com only entertained me for less than half an hour.

Watched conan movie and anime episodes... then felt guilty for not doing my readings. I miss being able to do random and meaningless stuff without feeling guilty. Sigh.

Still feel bloated from the nacho grande I had for brunch. Soooo unhealthy. If only one can live simply on instant noodles... or nutrition pills or whatever and be completely satisfied and healthy. Hey, one can dream right?

I'm probably PMSing or something. FML posts failed to make me laugh, in fact I felt rather offended by some of the comments.

It's not even October yet...

19 Sept 2009


Somehow it just doesn't feel like just the second week of school...

I'm really really not in the mood to read.

Why am I so lethargic and lazy...!!!

Aside from the fact that I go to classes and actually listen to lectures, I don't think I qualify as a good student at all.

Anyway on thursday night I was typing up this short essay for my history discussion to be posted on the discussion website, and then I completely forgot about the fact that the website automatically logs out after a certain period of time. Yep, I clicked "submit" too quickly and poof it's all gone! FAIL. Hate myself. Waaaarrrggghhh.

Cause the book really wasn't interesting... kept zoning out. I have another book to read this week and this time it's a full length essay AND a disussion post. Screwed much?

I should probably start Plato's Apology, like 24 pages... lots of words... /sobs

17 Sept 2009


Exercising and stretching out feels really good.

Doodling and listening to old school songs is fun.

Reading for History is not.

16 Sept 2009


Can't decide whether to go to Rosie's place for service placement or Asian American Civic Association!

Both are such good opportunities.

Rosie's place is for homeless women, I can either take on two dinner shifts or one overnight shift. For AACA it's tutoring + something else. At Rosie's there's probably more interaction and more relation to what we talk about in class so I have things to write about. For AACA my bilingualism can finally be put to use and maybe I get to work on their newspaper which sounds like a great experience.

So yes, I'm very very torn between these two.

Well, there's also a 'what-if-I-get-rejected-by-both' situation so I have to think of back-ups as well.

Soooooooooooo exhausted...

13 Sept 2009

Too exhausted to think of a title.

I think I spent 5 hours unpacking my boxes of belongings... pure torture. Ugh, headache.

I have two more bags coming!

I keep feeling like I'm still missing a lot of stuff.

Sigh. Back to reading.

11 Sept 2009

First week

Finally it's Friday!

Just four days of school and I'm already exhausted. Haven't even started my service work and my part-time job yet... why do I feel so sleep deprived?

PULSE: journal; "Burial at Thebes" pp. 5-34

History: WORLDS chapter 10; "Burma" chapter 1-6

Methods: PRC chapter 2; QRM chapter 1-2

Psychology: Myers chapter 1, 4

Still not in study mode! >_<

I think I like being a Sophomore, but pretending to be a Freshmen is fun too :D


Interesting information from my psychology text:

Life is fastest paced in Japan and Western Europe, and slowly in economically less-developed countries. People in colder climates also tend to live at a faster pace (and are prone to die from heart disease).

Twinning rates vary by race. The rate among caucasians is roughly twice that of Asians and half that of Africans. In Africa and Asia, most twins are identical. In Western countries, most twins are fraternal.

Compared with the average man, the average woman enters puberty two years sooner, lives 5 years longer, carries 70% more fat, has 40% less muscle, and is 5 inches shorter. Women smell fainter odors, express emotions more freely, and are offered help more often. They are doubly vulnerable to depression and anxiety, and their risk of developing eating disorder is 10 times greater. Men are 4 times more likely to commit suicide or suffer alcohol dependence. They are far more often diagnosed with autism, color-blindness, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (as children), and antisocial personality disorder (as adults).

9 Sept 2009











看對方會不會察覺了 然後走回頭來牽我的手 帶我走過去

我會寫一張小紙條 撕成兩半丟掉

看對方會不會把紙條撿起來 拼湊著 閱讀




會不會彷彿聽見了似的 轉過頭來


看對方是不是也會同時醒來 望著我








"我愛你" ……

2nd day

It's the second day of classes and I've basically had my first class for all my courses. Starting to feel the stress creeping in already.

PULSE is tough, for sure. The A grade is 96-100. Gah... So not gonna make it. Art projects + short papers + process notes + journals + extracurricular + discussions + exams + placements... Did I lose you already? Yep. Already have two readings to do for this class. Btw our professor made us close our eyes and raise our hands to whether we like Blackberry better or iPhone, and guess what, Blackberry got the majority!

History sounds quite challenging too, but I think I can survive five essays and two exams. One reading to do, about Somali piracy, as in pirates not 盗版. Completely new to me!

Research methods should be alright, although we do have a lot quizzes and essays every week, the professor seems pretty lenient. The professor is female, from Korea, young and very slim and OL-ish. She loves video games and her research experiments are on Playstations and Wii and whatnots. Last year I participated in her Wii research lol.

My psychology professor claims he has ADD and is easily distracted by our actions so we have to pay 100% attention to him as if he is God (or do a good job of pretending), but since he doesn't take attendence, we shouldn't turn up for class if we're gonna fall asleep since it "hurts his feelings." Yeah, interesting old man, but he digresses a lot. I hope I find out soon what is expected of this class.

Tired... Pulse intimidates me a little, but it makes sense to push my limits since I came all the way here for college.

6 Sept 2009

Slow down.

Gaze at blue skies.


Lie on the couch.


Visit friends.



Feel the sun.

Don't get a lot of beautiful days like today.

One more slow day of relaxation and sensational feelings before school starts. Bring on the hell.

There's this tight ache on my left shoulder that isn't going away, sigh.

Doesn't seem likely that one is different just because one is in another part of the world? I feel myself changing already.

5 Sept 2009

Back in Boston

I know, I know, I didn't update for the entire summer. Partly cause China blocked blogspot yet again, partly cause I'm just lazy.

Anyway I'm in my new dorm room, unpacked and running on adrenaline. The room is not as big as I'd imagined but the entire suite is pretty spacious and the bathroom rocks. The room is seriously lacking in cabinets and closets and whatnots, and there isn't much room under the bed either. The bright side is there are store rooms!

Watched four movies on the flight from HK to San Francisco: Angels & Demons, Ghosts of Girlfriends Past, The Proposal and 17 Again. Quite entertained. Then slept for almost the entire journey from San Francisco to Boston.

I love how blue the skies here are.

I hate being alone.

Home is where you are surrounded by people whom you've known your entire life and they love you for who you are. Where you feel nothing could possibly go wrong in your life.

This is not home, but compared to having a room to myself, having a room-mate and suitemates helps to keep loneliness away. At least temporarily. I'm grateful for that.

May things work out smoothly and make my life here worthwhile.

Just spent like 350 dollars on textbooks... Sad.