9 Sept 2009

2nd day

It's the second day of classes and I've basically had my first class for all my courses. Starting to feel the stress creeping in already.

PULSE is tough, for sure. The A grade is 96-100. Gah... So not gonna make it. Art projects + short papers + process notes + journals + extracurricular + discussions + exams + placements... Did I lose you already? Yep. Already have two readings to do for this class. Btw our professor made us close our eyes and raise our hands to whether we like Blackberry better or iPhone, and guess what, Blackberry got the majority!

History sounds quite challenging too, but I think I can survive five essays and two exams. One reading to do, about Somali piracy, as in pirates not 盗版. Completely new to me!

Research methods should be alright, although we do have a lot quizzes and essays every week, the professor seems pretty lenient. The professor is female, from Korea, young and very slim and OL-ish. She loves video games and her research experiments are on Playstations and Wii and whatnots. Last year I participated in her Wii research lol.

My psychology professor claims he has ADD and is easily distracted by our actions so we have to pay 100% attention to him as if he is God (or do a good job of pretending), but since he doesn't take attendence, we shouldn't turn up for class if we're gonna fall asleep since it "hurts his feelings." Yeah, interesting old man, but he digresses a lot. I hope I find out soon what is expected of this class.

Tired... Pulse intimidates me a little, but it makes sense to push my limits since I came all the way here for college.

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