22 Aug 2008

I need a bit more time

To finish reading the books I've always wanted to read but never got the time to.

To play the piano pieces I like but have been too lazy to start on them.

To accept the fact that I'm going to be a college student.

To learn how to live by myself and manage my expenses.

But there's no time left.

I just realized that I won't get to eat 大闸蟹 for the next 5-6 years! Hahaha, I know that completely ruins the serious tone of this entry. It's just a random thought that came to me just now... But it's making me think about whether I'm really prepared.

I got freaked out after reading yali's music report thingy and read his blog entries about the stuff he learnt in psy class. I think I've forgotten how to be a student! What if I don't understand the lectures and fail the tests? What if I can't maintain a good GPA? What if I really worked hard but is still too dumb to get good grades?

Okay whatever. 'What if' questions suck.

So apparently the school will be sending us our IB Diploma certificates soon, then what the hell is going on with our english papers that were supposed to be re-marked?! Why are they so slow?! WHY!?

I know I know, IB's not important anymore. But I'm kan cheong about it cause if they lift my grade then I don't need to take my literature course! Not that I hate literature or something but it'd be a great burden off my shoulder.

The thing is the college gives IB HL course 6 units for 6/7, but they give British A Levels 6 units for A/B, 3 units for C! British A Levels! Not even Singapore A Levels leh!! They make it seem like IB students have a much easier life than A Levels students. Why can't they give me 3 units for a 5 in HL too?! XD

Aiya. The unfairness of life.


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