17 Aug 2008


It's ridiculous how much stuff I have man!! Packing is such a pain in the arse... If I want to bring my room with me I need at least... 5/6 suitcases?! I can only take 2! How!?

Aiya... Can't bring this, can't bring that, can't bring this either!! Oh no!! ):

Because dorms only provide the basic furnitures, I have to bring my blanket, bed linens, bed spread, pillow, towels, alarm clock, toiletry, hangers, hair dryer, flashlight etc etc, plus dictionary and thesaurus!! what the!! Somemore Boston gets bloody cold so have to bring almost all my winter wear and of course I need my summer clothes too right... And not to forget I'm going for college so I need to bring stationery, notebooks, files and other stuff related to my studies blah blah... Ridiculous!! x__x

Parents are helping me out with the packing and all but it's still really tough... Sigh... After quite literally flipping my room around, I discovered things that I didn't know I had! Like my tiny phonebook that I used in singapore, letters, bday cards, medals, autograph books etc etc. Brought back a lot of memories!! Lots of sentimental stuff. Unfortunately most of the sentimental things are 'unpractical'...

Imagine, 18 years and I already have so many things! Not to forget some other stuff still in singapore! Wow... I should feel really really fortunate yeah!

Hmm... I wonder how my dorm room looks like. Some people can't fall asleep if they're in a new environment, I'm not worried about that, but it's still really sad to leave my room! Cause it has always been a comfort zone. But I think I'll like BC, the campus looks nice (: It's not a party school so I need to pull up my socks too... A bit stressed actually, but it's a new start! Hopefully a good start too.

It's going to be a really really big step. I don't feel completely prepared but that's alright, we'll all be fine. (:

On a side note, congratulations to Singapore Table Tennis Girls team for winning the silver medal! So proud of you Singapore! <3

Some pictures of Boston College (:

The last picture is for you, Michelle... XD I feel cold just looking at it!

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