30 Jan 2009

Because I haven't been blogging...

I sincerely apologize lah, but school+work has really taken its toll on me... It really sucks that I have classes every day and need to prepare reading/writing/listening etc etc stuff, cannot sleep in! T_T Felt very lethargic this week! But it's Friday so woohoo! Reasons why I couldn't be bothered to blog also include: very very sian, my brain zones out after the day and I just want to 放空; nothing interesting to say!

And 有些事情说也说不清楚。

Anyway so I decided to copy Joanne Loh and do the 20 random facts here too! Hehe :D

20 Random Things About Me

1. I'm crazy about salmon sashimi/sushi and maybe jap food in general. I also like raw crabs, lobsters, squids and shrimps. Heavenly... I've been told scary stories about parasites and stuff, definitely freaked out, but cannot control myself!

2. I'm currently ranked 89/1552 in BC class of 2012 -_-

3. I wanted to go on a diet at least 20 times but never really worked out leh... I just love food too much ))):

4. But I'm also quite picky about food. I don't eat 香菜, ginger, rawish onions, raw 葱, 杏仁 (that has the smell), sea cucumber, sticky vegetables, 山药, fatty fish/meat... that's what I can think of now, got other things that I don't like, such as eggplant. Ok ok I'm a spoilt brat I know! :P

5. I can't really eat spicy stuff, don't add chilli or eat wasabi... but I love chilli crab! Once in S2 or something, I was feeling moody, then made the crazy decision to eat chilli+rice to make myself cry! Not wise at all, 鼻涕眼泪一起来。

6. I used to hate pink for the most part of my childhood, then somehow it became one of my favourite colors.

7. I don't really know how to swim... -_-

8. I get kinda freaked out when I ride the bicycle, cause there's no 'protective casing' around me.

9. Same situation applies for fear of heights... I'm fine with cable cars, but I'm scared of ladders and tiny platforms. I like swings but when it gets too high my knees will go weak -_-

10. When I first started primary school in Singapore, I basically didn't know any English at all. Didn't have friends, got bullied/ostracized, then second semester I got 97/100.

11. I wish I had put more effort into piano, but I'm always too lazy to practise.

12. I've long stopped buying necklaces and bracelets but the craze for earrings never ceased.

13. My handwriting is nicer when I use pen instead of pencil, I also don't know why.

14. I'm gemini, so I can be very paradoxical sometimes. I'm mature about most things but extremely immature about other things, e.g. 喜欢逃避

15. I actually overslept on the day of my Chinese exam (fall semester), was late for half an hour! But managed to complete the paper faster than everyone else...

16. I seriously contemplated cutting my fringe into a 斜刘海, but don't have shears! I get really bored of my straight hair sometimes but never had the courage to dye/perm it, virgin hair! >_<

17. My tolerance range for music is extremely wide, I have English/Chinese/Japanese/Korean/Spanish/Italian/French/Iranian songs, movie soundtracks, classical/piano pieces, RO themes etc etc.

18. I don't really like eating sweet stuff, although I do like looking at pretty candies/cakes/desserts, makes me happy!

19. I wish I have better memory, cause I honestly can't remember a lot of things.

20. I miss high school very, very, very much. Ever since college, 99% of the time I find myself void of emotions, neither happy nor sad. Even if I do feel happy or sad it's small ripples of emotions, only lasts momentarily. But I do appreciate the experience here lah! (:

Phew. Finally done! Brain tired le :P

25 Jan 2009

Happy 牛 Year!

Good old CNY, good old CNY... First time spending it away from home, away from family and friends. No firecrackers, no reunion dinners/lunches/gatherings, no ang baos, no need to 拜年, no gluttony, NO HOLIDAY! It's definitely a bit weird and a bit pathetic/sad/nostalgic, but I'm fine I guess. XD

Had dinner yesterday at Grandmother's sister's husband's friend's house... you confused? So am I, what's the term for Grandmother's sister's husband? :P Ate good canto food and brought back some carrot cake! Oh how I love carrot cake!!!

Supposingly it's 除夕 for me now, and I had stuffed flank steak with rice and carrots. Not too bad not too bad but still nothing compared to the food you guys can have in Shanghai/Singapore/Malaysia! :P

Wish everyone a great CNY and an awesome year ahead! <3

21 Jan 2009

To those embarking on a new journey soon...

This is like a sequel to Joanne Loh's entry :P Cause she's too sweet and I'll feel very guilty if I don't say anything!

To the lovely coffee mix (cough sorry can't help it :p) Grace, Huixian and Joanne Ting!! All the best in Aus! I'm pretty sure you guys will have an awesome time! ((: Take care!! Miss you all!! <3

Sorry ah, very old photo I know :P But good times!

Siwon! All the best to you too!! 快乐最重要!I miss you cracking everyone up during Lit class! :D

Sussan... does Sussan even read blogs? :P


20 Jan 2009

The Inauguration of Barack Obama!

I'm let off early from class to watch the inauguration!! And afternoon class is cancelled too, muahahahaha.


Come to think of it, I had the opportunity to actually be at the inauguration... but at that time I didn't think that it was any of my business! XD Oh well... TV is good, very clear :P

15 Jan 2009

Very. Frigid.

It's -10.6°C. Dammit, hate Boston winter! T_T

Anyway... Survey/Mass Communication was quite fun, the Professor runs on adrenaline of 4-5 cups of Maxwell House and never shuts up :P He's kinda relaxed and cool and exams/quizzes are all online so this is probably the class I'm gonna enjoy the most. XD

Music is like............. hard. Need to prepare reading and listening for every class and turn in analysis of the music. Wtf. And there's two music analysis papers, attend 3 concerts, one mid-term and one final. Wahhhhhhhhhhh. I don't know which one's gonna kill me now, Music or Literary Themes. Probably both.


Big boo.

Sigh, waking up at 8 am/9 am for every weekday isn't very pleasant, I'm already sleepy...

14 Jan 2009

First day of school!

Frigid weather. Hahaha.

It's like -8.7°C outside. With the sun, but it's still freaking cold. I'm so not leaving my room tonight, packed all my food. XD It gets even colder tomorrow, with more snow! Gosh, I'm getting kinda sick of the snow, seriously.

Literary Themes was my first class today, 6 texts for that class plus supplement readings like lots of poems! Crappy crap crap. And the course is about the role of nature in literature. Seriously? ): Reminds me of Robert Frost but his poems were quite nice. How come I get at least one class that has a bazillion readings to do? Sigh.

Then it was math. My prof. is a female, and she has almost no expression. o_o She's boring... T___T I don't know if she's like nervous or what, either that or she's rather mean. Boo. The course is about finite probability, permutations and combinations and statistics and what not. Oh lord, I'll be bored to tears man! First day of class was a little introduction about sets. -_- Well I didn't really learn sets properly lah but it's really no brainer...

Last class for MWF is chinese, hahaha... My, do I have a slack schedule!

Got two classes tomorrow... morning one starts at 9 am, the other at 1:30 pm. -_- Both are 1 and a half hour classes. Hope they'll be interesting...

Sunday would be my first day of work! :D Well not really starting serious work, probably just gonna tour the library and get introduced to people. Lalalala~

12 Jan 2009


I got a part-time job at the O'Neil Library! Wahahaha! Now I just need to get some paperwork done... Starting with 12 hours a week, $8.00/hr, which is $96 a week! Not so guilty about expensive textbooks le! HAHA! :D

And I got a parcel from my Aunt! Hehehe thanks Aunt Jane! I feel very loved! :D

Pictures as promised!

11 Jan 2009

Back at BC!

Home sweet home. Oh yea. Took like 2 and a half hours to get to my dorm...


Wowie! Dammit my camera ran out of battery! I'll try to get some pictures tomorrow when there's light! It's like puffy white sugar but freezing cold. 只能看不能碰!It wasn't very pleasant to drag my luggage through snow but oh well, I somehow managed. I wonder why the white snow makes people feel happy, or more precisely, why does the color white convey innocence and something beautiful? How did colors become associated with certain emotions/symbols? Did humans attach those meanings or did nature make them that way? Haha ok stop rambling.

I just got back so I just got Huixian's card! THANKS SO MUCH DARLING! ((((: You're so so so so sweet! Hugs! My dear, I assure you that you have been and always will be a good friend! LOVE LOVE LOVE! <3 MUAH! <3

Hope everyone's doing well/having fun! I can't believe I'm starting my second semester, and syncing with my identity as a college student.

Textbook shopping tomorrow. And I need to get a mug. Aii.

Ah. One more thing, I feel like changing my layout too! But I can't seen to use other people's layouts, got error and stuff... I'm stupid lah, someone teach me please :P

1 Jan 2009

Susie the Onion

That was my nickname for a few days. And Ophelia the Asparagus. Uhh, don't ask why, the kids came up with those.

Spent a week at Myrtle beach with two other families, and three little girls just latched themselves onto me! It was pretty fun lah, but thank goodness it was only one week, so totally exhausted.

They got the U-G-L-Y song stuck in my mind (after jingle bells), if you're bored you can try searching the ugly song on youtube... it's stupid though, I warned you :P

They love to comment on how "ugly" the people on TV are, or homo, or whatever... For example "Hannah Montana" was on,

Adrian: Ew, that guy is ugly!
Booke: He's homo!
Adrian: That one too! So ugly!
Brooke: Homo!
Brooke: Eww, that guy is old and homo!
Me: That's Hannah Montana's DAD!
Adrian + Brooke: HAHAHAHAHA! YO MAMA!

Yeah... you get the gist :P

Don't ask me what "yo mama" means... there's a series of yo mama jokes apparently but I don't really want to find out, it was their punchline for the entire week! Gosh. XD

Adela's doing some timeline thing for her homework, and she has to do a bibliography! 4th grade!! I feel sorry for those kids! ):

Eh, I spent New Year's Eve being a glutton and the first day of 2009 on a road trip for 4 hours. Too tired/lazy for resolutions :P

Hello 2009!