27 Nov 2008

Currently Reading: Mercy by Jodi Picoult



24 Nov 2008


I'm officially on holiday!! School starts next Monday, which I have my speech to do, but never mind!! :D

Happy happy!

Had a rather long chat with Sue today about our Writing Seminar class, I think I will miss all my classes a lot after the semester ends!! Time passes too fast... and I really have quite an easy combination of classes this semester, only Race, Class and Gender is driving me crazy. Oh the joys of being a Freshmen. XD

I can't wait till winter break when I'll have absolutely nothing to do, yet I don't really want first semester to be over so quickly, to think I probably won't even meet some of those people in class ever again!

And I dread all the revision I have to do for Race, Class and Gender. Agony. Torture. Sickening.

Probably won't update as frequently for this week! Ciao!

23 Nov 2008

Icy cold

You're probably sick of hearing me complain about the weather but I can't help it! Was waiting for the shuttle today and had my back against the wind, it felt as if I was leaning completely against ICE. Literally frozen.

I remember an article saying that our sensitivity to temperature is due to habits and can be changed. I must have been wrapped in layers and layers when I was young, that's why I'm so vulnerable to cold now. - -

On a lighter note, I found a new love! GRAPEFRUIT! So damn nice! :D It's pretty and juicy and healthy! It tastes like chinese pomelo but doesn't have the bitter taste, 10 fingers up!!

I'm totally tuned in to holiday mood already... Didn't touch work AT ALL yesterday. XD

20 Nov 2008


AGAIN! And I was sleeping!

It was like -2 degree celsius outside! Freaking insane, pfft. Three fire trucks came... -_- But they were dilly dallying so obviously there's no real fire. Man, so suay, why must have fire drill on my rest day! TAT

18 Nov 2008



Don't know how people have seen this article, about ACJC birthday celebration thing.

Seriously. I don't think there are ANY reasons justified for this kind of behavior. It's literally torture. Oh please, culture? Do we really need this kind of culture? If these students are the products of our education system, what will the future be like?

Plain mean. Period.

If you don't want this to happen to you, it probably means it's WRONG.

Oh nooooooooooo

Hi: 5 °C Lo: -3 °C

Hi: 3 °C Lo: -4 °C

Soooooooooooo coooooooooold. ><

And take a look at this...


Okay I can see the integral sign and pi and d, but seriously. = = I'm so glad I don't take classes like that :P

Need to write another essay today... TAT

17 Nov 2008


Need to write 4 logs for my Topic Seminar class (ok ok I know this is my fault cause I procrastinated too much), and do the readings. And it's the last class tomorrow, very very sad!

Need to catch up on readings for Race, Class, and Gender class as well.

Cultural analysis essay due on Wed for First Year Writing, and 2 peer essay responses!


But I don't have my 9 am and 11 am classes on Friday and next Monday! WOOHOO I CAN SLEEP LATE! :D And thank goodness my problem-solving speech is after Thanksgiving.

Got bad news too, printer ran out of toner! Now you can imagine how much reading I have to do!! (Apparently one toner lasts for 1500 pages? I highly doubt so...) Bookstore only sells ink cartridges, pfftt. $64.99 for a new toner! ))): But at least shipping is free... But got taxes! Keep forgetting taxes! Haiz.

I'm so so so so sleepy...................... No energy to blog, hehe.

16 Nov 2008

Funny websites

The “Blog” of “Unnecessary” Quotation Marks: http://quotation-marks.blogspot.com

Apostrophe Abuse: http://www.apostropheabuse.com

Apostrophe Catastrophe: http://apostrophecatastrophes.blogspot.com

Curious Signs: http://curioussigns.blogspot.com




13 Nov 2008

I don't really have anything to say leh...

So why am I blogging? I don't know. :P

This looks pretty good right? But tastes so-so only... or maybe it's just me? ): Western food can look really good but I'm almost never completely satisfied by the taste. I really think westerners are quite deprived of good food... Surely they get sick of pasta and pizza and burgers and fries and sandwiches too? -_- You'd think I'll be eating pizza all the time here, but actually I don't think they're as good as the ones in Papa Johns! I MISS PAPA JOHNS! Sigh. I MISS GOOD FOOD!

It's my last Freshmen Topic Seminar class next Tues! Very sad... I'll miss this class and Rhetorical Tradition so much! TAT

Oh did I mention that the Cultural Diversity exam is cumulative? OMG. I'm so so so so screwed. And the exam is on a Saturday some more!!!! SO EVIL!!! -0-

Boo, have to study for quiz tomorrow... z_z

10 Nov 2008

About 6 weeks left until winter break

And I still don't know if I can stay in my dorm yet! :P Meeting with some residential head on Wed to talk about it, need to call and make appointment some more, 15 minutes! Any suggestions how to charm the guy into letting me stay? :D

This is completely an understatement but time just flew by! I'm very near the end of the semester! OMG! Who said you could dilly dally in college and accomplish a lot? Well if I keep going at this pace I don't think so! It's like almost 1/8 of my college life is done already! 0_0 Scary thought!

I'm so sleepy that I woke up 30 minutes late this morning! I'm amazed that I still managed to go to class on time, even though I forgot to zip my bag and dropped all my stuff on the floor on the way downhill, damn embarrassing I'd say. - - I'm more than thankful that I only get crazy days like these 3 times a week so there's always something to look forward to, or else I'll go nuts!

Got my cultural diversity exam back!

Definitely not as pro as yali but I'm happy cause I got a B on the last exam! Scared myself to death cause I saw the "C" first (A, B, C different question formats), phew!

Remember I said that I hate salads? (Well, I do like potato salads but the one at school looks gross) I actually found one that I like! Teriyaki salmon salad, with asian sesame dressing!

The only annoying thing about this is that I have to take out the 香菜, 葱 and mushroom. I like mushrooms but those are dry and uncooked and gross. Maybe you're thinking ew cooked salmon? What's so nice about that? I used to dislike cooked salmon too, I mean why would you cook salmon if sashimi is so damn good? Well since I don't have the luxury of having sashimi at school, this is like a perfect substitute! It's nice. :D

Ok I'm hungry, going off to eat my salad!

9 Nov 2008


Under Grace's recommendation - sorta - I tried the Karaoke thing too.

Hm. It's quite brainless, really, to expect you to follow every note exactly? I don't think they care about the words either, maybe you can la-la-la and it'll have the same effect. And obviously some songs are a lot harder to sing, with rap and stuff. XD

I want a Chinese version!! Cannot Sing english songs... OTL

8 Nov 2008

Currently reading: Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult

Ok, I finished the book. Jodi Picoult's endings are always shocking, I have to read at least twice to make some sense out of them. But this ending was particularly hard to grasp, even after re-reading the ending 5 times I still feel like I was missing the message. Quite sickening, to be very frank. Nevertheless, the read was still enjoyable, like most of her other books, it's just hard to stop!

If I remember correctly, President-to-be Obama said something like "...being my sister's keeper, my brother's keeper..." during the 2004 DNC, did he read that book too? Hahaha.

Oh and I've got a microwave oven now! I don't really understand why a kettle and rice cooker cannot be used in dorms but a microwave is acceptable but whatever. It's like stainless steel, bloody heavy. I wonder how on earth I'm going to move all the stuff out of my room when summer comes. OTL

5 Nov 2008

Despite lack of sleep...


Democrats in control of both the Senate and the House! Wow, phenomenal. I wonder why I just happen to be in US during the most significant election, haha, very cool!

Well Obama still didn't get the majority of white male votes, but thank goodness for the youth votes and female votes! For some reason white males are always more pro-Republican. I know there's like a whole history behind this blah blah, never mind.

I sincerely hope that it won't be just 'lip-service' during Obama's term, as some people are saying. Please don't disappoint us! And be safe.

Ok that was very American sounding, no I don't want to be American, but after all I'm definitely staying put for 4 years (maybe 6) so it still concerns me right!

Moving away from big issues back to my life. Got back Rhetorical Tradition exam today, two mistakes, 265/275! Got improvement... but if I got 270 my name would have appeared on the blackboard! Boo. Only 2 with full scores this time and 2 with 270. Final exam is out of 375 though... eek. As long as I study for this class I think it's going to be a grade A! :D

Not so sure about Cultural Diversity... ~_~

Busy busy today, and so sleepy!


4 Nov 2008




Back to research essay writing... OTL


OMG!! 297 vs. 139!!

First African-American President of United States! 44th President of United States!


3 Nov 2008

Obama's grandmother dies hours before election


Terribly saddening.

I'm lost for words. On a lighter note, 2 Canadian comedians (if I'm not mistaken) prank called Sarah Palin, wow.


2 Nov 2008

Daylight savings time??


WHAT IS THIS? I have no prior knowledge of this whatsoever! What am I supposed to do with my clock!? Go back or go forward 1 hour?? I'm all confused...

IF I'm interpreting this correctly, I just got on extra hour for the day! How weird. I feel kinda insecure... ><

So now I'm actually 13 hours behind Shanghai/Singapore.


1 Nov 2008

Messy, rambled thoughts

Was Aristotle the one who said life is about the pursuit of happiness?

So how come we spend so much time doing things that we don't like? Why can't we spend more time being happy and less time trying to be?

Who's to say what we're doing is right or wrong? Why must we care about what others think and whether we're being the norm? Why must we feel compelled to do what we're expected to do and be afraid to be labeled 'different' or 'weird'? Why is there peer pressure? Why is hard to be ourselves?

I think the questions just proved that I'm too self-conscious and care too much about what others think. But sometimes I can't help it. 鱼和熊掌真的不能兼得吗?

It's hard to change even though I'm well aware of my weaknesses. I don't like to approach people and initiate small talk. I'm too introverted when I'm around people I don't know well. I'm afraid to take risks. I hate awkwardness and embarrassement. I'm indecisive and easily swaywed. I'm afraid to say no.

I came here to remove myself from my comfort zone. And frankly sometimes I do feel like fish out of water. It's not like I'm unhappy, and I do enjoy my classes even though I stress over exams and assignments. It's not easy. There are so many things to learn, academically, socially, and life in general, living alone and stuff. I guess it's because I'm still not used to the new environment and people and all, but sometimes I wonder if I ever will.

I know that I'm a fortunate person. Maybe I complain too much. But seriously, I find myself spending much more time trying to be happy, rather than being happy. Does that even make sense?

I'm not emo, I just think too much.

On a side note, Grace's entry about bullying reminded me of something that happened to me during Freshmen Orientation. We were sitting in our assigned groups eating breakfast (buffet style), I put my apple into my bag cause I was full and didn't want to eat it then. A girl, Cat, asked our group leader who just joined us if it was ok for us to take food out of the cafeterias, he said yes we could. She questioned further if it was ok if it's like a buffet thing, he replied yes. Only then that I realized she was talking about me! I was quite shocked and embarrassed, but didn't say anything. I don't know if she sincerely wanted to ask or she wanted our leader to say it's wrong so I would feel ashamed. Couldn't she tell me directly instead? Quite a memorable experience. XD