24 Nov 2008


I'm officially on holiday!! School starts next Monday, which I have my speech to do, but never mind!! :D

Happy happy!

Had a rather long chat with Sue today about our Writing Seminar class, I think I will miss all my classes a lot after the semester ends!! Time passes too fast... and I really have quite an easy combination of classes this semester, only Race, Class and Gender is driving me crazy. Oh the joys of being a Freshmen. XD

I can't wait till winter break when I'll have absolutely nothing to do, yet I don't really want first semester to be over so quickly, to think I probably won't even meet some of those people in class ever again!

And I dread all the revision I have to do for Race, Class and Gender. Agony. Torture. Sickening.

Probably won't update as frequently for this week! Ciao!

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