5 Nov 2008

Despite lack of sleep...


Democrats in control of both the Senate and the House! Wow, phenomenal. I wonder why I just happen to be in US during the most significant election, haha, very cool!

Well Obama still didn't get the majority of white male votes, but thank goodness for the youth votes and female votes! For some reason white males are always more pro-Republican. I know there's like a whole history behind this blah blah, never mind.

I sincerely hope that it won't be just 'lip-service' during Obama's term, as some people are saying. Please don't disappoint us! And be safe.

Ok that was very American sounding, no I don't want to be American, but after all I'm definitely staying put for 4 years (maybe 6) so it still concerns me right!

Moving away from big issues back to my life. Got back Rhetorical Tradition exam today, two mistakes, 265/275! Got improvement... but if I got 270 my name would have appeared on the blackboard! Boo. Only 2 with full scores this time and 2 with 270. Final exam is out of 375 though... eek. As long as I study for this class I think it's going to be a grade A! :D

Not so sure about Cultural Diversity... ~_~

Busy busy today, and so sleepy!


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