16 Dec 2008

Just one more...

Eh, I'm so lazy to blog but it's been a while leh!

Just one more exam tomorrow and I'm free free free! Wahaha!

Did some packing, about 70% done? Super heavy lugguage... how am I gonna take the T ah? o.O Still need to do laundry tomorrow and get rid of perishable items yadda yadda... I really hope I don't leave important things behind... >0<

Watched the movie "300" yesterday night in friend's room, about King Leonidas leading 300 Spartan soldiers against Persians. Yeah it's a pretty old movie. Very morbid and gross at certain parts... 很MAN的电影。The thing that struck me as ironic is that it's so historically erroneous. I mean... Greeks were the one who owned slaves and Persia was the country that slaves escaped to... Oh well :P

I don't know if it's luckily or unluckily, there'll be heavy snow in Boston on Friday, the day after I leave! So I won't be getting a white christmas in Boston this year! On 25th I'll be at South Carolina Myrtle beach, lol! Very interesting.

By the way, I've always pronounced "interesting" as in-truh-sting, but a lot of people here say in-ter-uh-sting. Like Brits pronounce "lieutenant" as lef-ten-uhnt. I personally think loo-ten-uhnt makes a lot more sense but lef-ten-uhnt sounds more cool? :D

Ok ok, enough bullshitting! Happy Holidays everyone! ((:

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