12 Dec 2009


Supposed to be studying for finals...

There're no study days this semester, only the weekend ):

Don't feel like studying though.

Have a sudden craving for coleslaw cabbage salad O_O

11 Dec 2009

Fall Semester is over!

At least classes are... 3 more finals and 2 more papers to go!

Wow how did I even survive this week... O_O I guess IB prepared me quite well for 1-2 paper(s) every day =_=

Revision is going to suck.

But, it's friday! Not going to get any work done lalalala~

6 Dec 2009

Snow makes winter worthwhile (:

The pictures don't do justice at all! The layout is a bit weird, please click to view full picture...

So. So. Pretty.

4 Dec 2009

What sleep?

Monday: PULSE process note, Research Methods Quiz
Tuesday: Placement
Wednesday: PULSE journal, Research Methods Final
Thursday: Placement
Friday: History essay, PULSE extra paper

By end of next week: 3 Research Participation Papers

Monday: PULSE short paper 2, PULSE final
Tuesday: History summary list, History final
Wednesday: Psychology final

Yeah. Bring it on.


Pink Netbooks! <3

Asus Eee PC 1005HA

Samsung NC10

MSI Wind

Acer Aspire One


1 Dec 2009

Where did time go?

Omgosh so much happened but I had no time to churn out anything on this blog :(

Basically Thanksgiving weekend at NYC was awesome, awesome, awesome. Watched the broadway Wicked, it was fantastic. It's amazing how they developed such a complicated back story to the original Wizard of Oz, and the vocals were just mind-blowing.

Black Friday shopping was really hectic and insane. Went a little out of control at H&M and Aéropostale. Oops.

Back to school now, only two weeks of classes left, and then it's finals!

Oh no what happened to all the time?!

I can't believe this but I'm really sad that the semester is ending already. Too fast, too fast.

Winter break in HK would definitely be fun, but I'm still sad to go. Won't miss the food though.

Have to go participate in a research study now. Dammit, why am I so busy >_<

17 Nov 2009


People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.
If you do good, people may accuse you of selfish motives.
Do good anyway.
If you are successful, you may win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable.
Be honest and transparent anyway.
What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.
People who really want help may attack you if you help them.
Help them anyway.
Give the world the best you have and you may get hurt.
Give the world your best anyway.

- Mother Teresa

11 Nov 2009

I was sick last weekend with flu and fever. Not fun.

Have a paper due today, and a quiz. Tomorrow there's psychology exam. Friday there's an essay due. I don't have time!!

Can't wait till Thanksgiving holiday!

27 Oct 2009

Fire Alarm at 6:30 am

It's NOT a good way to start the day by waking up to the fire alarm at 6:30 am. orz. Although technically I was supposed to wake up at 7 am today anyway so I didn't lose that much sleep, but the alarm was deafening and quite traumatic! It was dark and cold outside ):

I feel quite disoriented today, keep mixing up words. -_-


Some attention-seeking, indecisive, impatient, immature, inconsiderate and manipulative people need to grow up.

24 Oct 2009



Too tired and busy to blog!

It's finally weekend.


Weather is gloomy. Having a slight headache and bad cramps. So exhausted.

This week was quite overwhelming. A suitemate overdosed on sleeping aid and had to be sent to intensive care. Planned room-mate's surprise birthday party. Placement work and the usual work load.

Have to start planning my spring courses! >_< Why is there always an endless list of things to do...

15 Oct 2009

Sucky day

So, I got up at 7:15 am today and ate a microwavable pepperoni & cheese pocket before I went to AACA. On the T ride, I broke out in cold sweat, saw stars, felt nauseous and could barely stand. Finally reached the Bolyston stop, got off the T and barfed. It was supposed to rain today so I brought my umbrella and a plastic bag, which obviously became my barf bag... I can't imagine how worse it could get if I didn't have the plastic bag!

Felt incredibly weak and had to call the PULSE council member to cancel my work at AACA today. After getting everything out of my system I felt better, then I have to commute back to school... took a nap and went for my exams at 1:30 pm. Cancelled work in the afternoon. Had a bad headache...

I'm not sure if the sandwich pocket was the cause, or because it was too cold outside, or I didn't get enough sleep this week, or the rocky T ride, or low blood pressure?!

It was quite scary. Yeah.

I wish every Thursday night was Friday night -_-

12 Oct 2009

Hot Pot!

It was awesomeee (:

Yeah I know I look weird... I was eating...

I wanna eat pad thai! >_<

10 Oct 2009



Fell asleep today while trying to read Aristotle's Metaphysics. Still sleepy... don't even know why!

Two exams coming up next week. So not fun... At least it's Columbus Day on Monday so we have a three-day weekend, wheeeeeee.

Had a really great dinner yesterday, ordered from Bangkok Bistro restaurant, I'll never be happy with cafeteria food again! Pad thai and curry! >_< Damn it, I miss good asian food! Watched "Tropic Thunder," and it was hilarious, the actors were cool! Ben Stiller, Robert Downey Jr., Jack Black, Tom Cruise etc.

Then went back to our suite and played Truth or Dare. Omgh... I know all too well how that game can get really mad but still gave in to peer pressure? -_-

I need to studyyy.

8 Oct 2009




双子也很怕被伤害,很多时候宁愿自己承受一切,也不愿别人抓住自己的把柄。所以久而久之也就养成了习惯。 双子基本上也是个很痛苦的人。表面上总是很有活力,很快乐的样子,可是没人的时候他又总是很忧伤。双子总会被一种莫名的悲伤笼罩。但他不会让别人发现的,他怕被伤害,也怕被别人抛弃,只能自己硬挺着一切。所以双子很神经质,精神脆弱,容易人格分裂,因为承受了太多的东西.

双子是被公认的最花心、最冷酷无情的星座。其实对于双子的花心,真的不想再说些什么了。解释得太多,累了,也没耐心了。可是说起双子,就不得不提感情,双子这一生,似乎必须被感情牵伴,跟爱情纠缠一世。很多人说双子并不花心,只是博爱,所以才会有那么好的人缘。忘了在哪里看见了这样的一句话:双子最大的悲哀在于有两个人的思想,却只有一个人的身体,双子有爱自己所爱的人的权利,也有保护彼此所爱的人的义务,双子只剩下一个时,爱也就只剩下义务了。 我想用如来若去说的一句话给双子的花心做个总结:花心的极端就是痴心的可怕。该懂的人应该会懂的。至于冷酷无情真的不知道该从何说起。其实双子是最平和的星座,如果可以不发生冲突,都会尽量避免。双子也很少跟别人吵架,他讨厌吵架,如果是因为一些生活琐碎小事吵架,那么双子就在吵完的那一刻就把这件事给忘了;


每个双子都有一个故事隐藏在心里,多数是不堪回首的往事,双子是个念旧或者说是喜欢沉浸在回忆中的星座,他(她)的这个故事通常都是因情所困, 动了感情而被伤害了的双子是脆弱的,也是坚强的,他(她)可以很快的振作起来,可以当什么事都没有发生,这些都是双子演给世人看的罢了,等到夜深人静的时候,双子内心的伤痛随着血液渗透到全身,他(她)可以一整夜的去回忆之前的点点滴滴,可以一整夜的沉浸在痛苦之中,可以一整夜坐在那里发呆,但是,一旦天亮了,要出去见人了,双子马上就从痛苦中抽身而走,你看到的肯定是一个神采奕奕的双子,这就是双子,拥有双重性格的双子,一个在世人面前乐天,快乐,在孤独夜晚独自伤悲的双子。


6 Oct 2009


AACA turned out ok... The getting up early part is not fun, but oh well...

I need to stop creating troubles for myself. Seriously.


Why is my happiness dependent on some factor that I can't control?

5 Oct 2009


So... I have to fulfill 8 hours of placement time, so there'll be some changes to the schedule now.

I hate uncertainties in life.

Yet I get bored easily too.

Why am I such a contradictory person...

Okay, I'm PMS.

2 Oct 2009

Dang it.

Okay, got rejected by Rosie's, going to AACA. Which means waking up at 7:30/8 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursday. Oh joy.


Ok ok, at least I have a placement now. Sigh.

And it's Friday!

I shall not think of things that bother me.

1 Oct 2009

Doki doki

I'm so anxious about Rosie's Place's reply... >_<

I really don't want to wake up at 8 a.m. and rush back for class...

But at least I have something to fall back on...

Decisions decisions!

Please tell me this is not happening...
Quickened heartbeats.
Avoiding eye contact.
Disappointment and joy.
Flushed faces and fidgety hands.
Restlessness and longing.
I can't handle this.

27 Sept 2009

Are you ok?

I think so...

It's ok if you're not...

I really don't know.

I don't even know if I believe in the words I used to comfort others.

Maybe you don't have to believe in the words for them to have the effect.

I guess not.

How do you know if you're really ok?

How do you know if you're missing something in your life?

How do you know if you're going down the right path?

Stupid rainy weekend.

你说会记得我 还记得吗?

26 Sept 2009


Wow I'm so easily bored.

Even omgpop.com only entertained me for less than half an hour.

Watched conan movie and anime episodes... then felt guilty for not doing my readings. I miss being able to do random and meaningless stuff without feeling guilty. Sigh.

Still feel bloated from the nacho grande I had for brunch. Soooo unhealthy. If only one can live simply on instant noodles... or nutrition pills or whatever and be completely satisfied and healthy. Hey, one can dream right?

I'm probably PMSing or something. FML posts failed to make me laugh, in fact I felt rather offended by some of the comments.

It's not even October yet...

19 Sept 2009


Somehow it just doesn't feel like just the second week of school...

I'm really really not in the mood to read.

Why am I so lethargic and lazy...!!!

Aside from the fact that I go to classes and actually listen to lectures, I don't think I qualify as a good student at all.

Anyway on thursday night I was typing up this short essay for my history discussion to be posted on the discussion website, and then I completely forgot about the fact that the website automatically logs out after a certain period of time. Yep, I clicked "submit" too quickly and poof it's all gone! FAIL. Hate myself. Waaaarrrggghhh.

Cause the book really wasn't interesting... kept zoning out. I have another book to read this week and this time it's a full length essay AND a disussion post. Screwed much?

I should probably start Plato's Apology, like 24 pages... lots of words... /sobs

17 Sept 2009


Exercising and stretching out feels really good.

Doodling and listening to old school songs is fun.

Reading for History is not.

16 Sept 2009


Can't decide whether to go to Rosie's place for service placement or Asian American Civic Association!

Both are such good opportunities.

Rosie's place is for homeless women, I can either take on two dinner shifts or one overnight shift. For AACA it's tutoring + something else. At Rosie's there's probably more interaction and more relation to what we talk about in class so I have things to write about. For AACA my bilingualism can finally be put to use and maybe I get to work on their newspaper which sounds like a great experience.

So yes, I'm very very torn between these two.

Well, there's also a 'what-if-I-get-rejected-by-both' situation so I have to think of back-ups as well.

Soooooooooooo exhausted...

13 Sept 2009

Too exhausted to think of a title.

I think I spent 5 hours unpacking my boxes of belongings... pure torture. Ugh, headache.

I have two more bags coming!

I keep feeling like I'm still missing a lot of stuff.

Sigh. Back to reading.

11 Sept 2009

First week

Finally it's Friday!

Just four days of school and I'm already exhausted. Haven't even started my service work and my part-time job yet... why do I feel so sleep deprived?

PULSE: journal; "Burial at Thebes" pp. 5-34

History: WORLDS chapter 10; "Burma" chapter 1-6

Methods: PRC chapter 2; QRM chapter 1-2

Psychology: Myers chapter 1, 4

Still not in study mode! >_<

I think I like being a Sophomore, but pretending to be a Freshmen is fun too :D


Interesting information from my psychology text:

Life is fastest paced in Japan and Western Europe, and slowly in economically less-developed countries. People in colder climates also tend to live at a faster pace (and are prone to die from heart disease).

Twinning rates vary by race. The rate among caucasians is roughly twice that of Asians and half that of Africans. In Africa and Asia, most twins are identical. In Western countries, most twins are fraternal.

Compared with the average man, the average woman enters puberty two years sooner, lives 5 years longer, carries 70% more fat, has 40% less muscle, and is 5 inches shorter. Women smell fainter odors, express emotions more freely, and are offered help more often. They are doubly vulnerable to depression and anxiety, and their risk of developing eating disorder is 10 times greater. Men are 4 times more likely to commit suicide or suffer alcohol dependence. They are far more often diagnosed with autism, color-blindness, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (as children), and antisocial personality disorder (as adults).

9 Sept 2009











看對方會不會察覺了 然後走回頭來牽我的手 帶我走過去

我會寫一張小紙條 撕成兩半丟掉

看對方會不會把紙條撿起來 拼湊著 閱讀




會不會彷彿聽見了似的 轉過頭來


看對方是不是也會同時醒來 望著我








"我愛你" ……

2nd day

It's the second day of classes and I've basically had my first class for all my courses. Starting to feel the stress creeping in already.

PULSE is tough, for sure. The A grade is 96-100. Gah... So not gonna make it. Art projects + short papers + process notes + journals + extracurricular + discussions + exams + placements... Did I lose you already? Yep. Already have two readings to do for this class. Btw our professor made us close our eyes and raise our hands to whether we like Blackberry better or iPhone, and guess what, Blackberry got the majority!

History sounds quite challenging too, but I think I can survive five essays and two exams. One reading to do, about Somali piracy, as in pirates not 盗版. Completely new to me!

Research methods should be alright, although we do have a lot quizzes and essays every week, the professor seems pretty lenient. The professor is female, from Korea, young and very slim and OL-ish. She loves video games and her research experiments are on Playstations and Wii and whatnots. Last year I participated in her Wii research lol.

My psychology professor claims he has ADD and is easily distracted by our actions so we have to pay 100% attention to him as if he is God (or do a good job of pretending), but since he doesn't take attendence, we shouldn't turn up for class if we're gonna fall asleep since it "hurts his feelings." Yeah, interesting old man, but he digresses a lot. I hope I find out soon what is expected of this class.

Tired... Pulse intimidates me a little, but it makes sense to push my limits since I came all the way here for college.

6 Sept 2009

Slow down.

Gaze at blue skies.


Lie on the couch.


Visit friends.



Feel the sun.

Don't get a lot of beautiful days like today.

One more slow day of relaxation and sensational feelings before school starts. Bring on the hell.

There's this tight ache on my left shoulder that isn't going away, sigh.

Doesn't seem likely that one is different just because one is in another part of the world? I feel myself changing already.

5 Sept 2009

Back in Boston

I know, I know, I didn't update for the entire summer. Partly cause China blocked blogspot yet again, partly cause I'm just lazy.

Anyway I'm in my new dorm room, unpacked and running on adrenaline. The room is not as big as I'd imagined but the entire suite is pretty spacious and the bathroom rocks. The room is seriously lacking in cabinets and closets and whatnots, and there isn't much room under the bed either. The bright side is there are store rooms!

Watched four movies on the flight from HK to San Francisco: Angels & Demons, Ghosts of Girlfriends Past, The Proposal and 17 Again. Quite entertained. Then slept for almost the entire journey from San Francisco to Boston.

I love how blue the skies here are.

I hate being alone.

Home is where you are surrounded by people whom you've known your entire life and they love you for who you are. Where you feel nothing could possibly go wrong in your life.

This is not home, but compared to having a room to myself, having a room-mate and suitemates helps to keep loneliness away. At least temporarily. I'm grateful for that.

May things work out smoothly and make my life here worthwhile.

Just spent like 350 dollars on textbooks... Sad.

11 May 2009

Is in lovely HK

14 hours of packing without sleep.

20 hours of flight.

Finally, I'm in Asia, Hong Kong! :D


Too brain dead to blog substantially though, just going to thrown in some random notes. My luggage was overweight, had to take out stuff to be put into a big plastic bag, lol, thankfully international baggage is free of charge. SIA catering is awesome! Initially supper was beef or chicken, but they ran out of chicken so I got lamb (off menu) instead! Was kept entertained by the games and 4 movies: Red Cliff, Red Cliff II, Departures/送行者:禮儀師的樂章(Japanese movie) and Valkyrie.

"Red Cliff" series was ok, wouldn't watch them again but not terrible either. I rather liked the friendship between 周瑜 and 诸葛亮 in there. "Departures" was really good, good actors, moving plot though in an unusual way, thought provoking and touches the heart! "Valkyrie" was actually rather sad, cause if you know history you kinda know the ending...

Okay I'm DEAD TIRED! Going to rest now!

This summer would be awesome, I can feel it! (:

19 Apr 2009

Was supposed to update last night, but ended up sleeping over at a friend's house, cause we have a three-day weekend :P

Anyway, this is really really cool, King's Firecrackers, group rope jumping! Awesome!

And I kinda teared at the Susan Boyle video that Mrs Wong sent to us, touching (:

11 Apr 2009

A very satisfying Saturday!

No words! Just pictures! HAHA

I realized that whenever I go out I spend too much money. Sigh.

Love H&M.

And uh, bras. No pictures, for obvious reasons.

9 Apr 2009

Easter. Break.

Because a picture speaks a thousand words... I shall include a lot of pictures to appear diligent :D

I'm just so grateful for the break, even though I know it's going to pass by so quickly. Girls night yesterday was awesome, haven't had such a connection with my inner being for a long while - the part of us that gets neglected and shelved away as we busy ourselves day in day out.

I miss thinking and reflecting about life, and being grateful for what we have. Unfortunately I can't seem to put everything down into words, they just don't seem right.

Sometimes I wonder, why am I so fortunate? Do I even deserve such luck?

I don't know, I guess life is never really fair, and all I can do is appreciate what I do have.

Took pictures of the campus today cause it was such a gorgeous weather. As usual I was getting off from work so it's sorta dark, I apologize!

And THIS is where I will live next year! <3 8-person suite style, 4 doubles and 1 common room.

And this is Upper Campus where I live now! I think I'll miss it, but not too much :P


3 Apr 2009


Ughhh. I'm gonna rate this as top 10 grossest moment of my life so far.

It's been raining heavily today, misty, foggy, gloomy... you name it. But that's not the worst part.

The worst part is, EARTHWORMS come out in the night and stretch themselves across the pavements so they don't drown in the water logged earth...



Their color is not dark enough to be hidden from the light. So I can see them clearly. And they move. And there're lots of them.

I basically screamed, latched myself onto my friend and dashed all the way back to the dorm.

Very traumatized!!!


It's Friday night! -_- Nearly lost my voice.

31 Mar 2009

Yoga was therapuetic

Wow, it's been so long since I did a whole hour of Yoga. It was just some basic postures, not very challenging compared to Pilates, but it felt very very very good! Felt like crap after Pilates, ached for the entire week. Ok fine I'm just very out of shape :P

Anyway yoga made me happy, though I'm extremely exhausted, since we stayed another hour for Hip Hop by another instructor. Left knee hurts ):

Tired tired tired. I can't wait for Easter break!!

Have an interesting article to share (:

Want to Save Money? Carry Around $100 Bills

For shoppers in today's economy, there's just too much temptation out there. Sure, your pockets are tight. But there are clearance sales in every store and deep discounts down every aisle. So how do you stop yourself from spending — especially when you know that during this awful downturn, you should be saving every last penny?

Just arm yourself with $100 bills.

According to a new study to be published in the Journal of Consumer Research, shoppers are less likely to spend their dough if they are carrying cash in large denominations. This so-called denomination effect can be a powerful predictor of consumer spending habits. Through a series of experiments, the study shows that if people have an equivalent amount of money, say $100, the folks with a Ben Franklin in their pockets might not part with it, while those carrying Andrew Jacksons and George Washingtons more easily give up the cash.

What's driving the denomination effect? First off, some consumers see large bills as more sacrosanct than a bunch of chump change. "People tend to overvalue bigger bills," says Joydeep Srivastava, a marketing professor at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business and a co-author of the study. "There's a psychological cost associated with spending a $100 bill that's not there with spending smaller bills." We tend to isolate the cash in our minds. Each $20 is a separate, less valuable entity than that single $100 bill. So it's easier to part with five of those twenties than with a single precious hundred in our pockets.

Further, consumers fear that once they break that large bill, they won't be able to stop spending the rest. "Once that barrier is passed, it's like a dam gets broken," says Srivastava. "And we've found that when people decide to spend, they'll spend more with the bigger bill than with the smaller bill." Researchers have labeled this phenomenon the "what the hell" effect: "I've broken the hundred; it's gone from my wallet. What the hell, I may as well blow off the rest." So consumers, afraid that the "what the hell" effect will drain their wallets, hold on to those large denominations.

For example, in one experiment, the researchers gave 89 undergraduate business-school students from the University of California, Berkeley, and the University of Maryland a dollar. They told the students they could keep the money or use it to buy candy. About half the students were given a dollar bill, while the other half were given four quarters. Only 26% of the students who got the bill spent the money, while 63% of the students given quarters bought some candy. However, once they decided to spend, the students with the paper made bigger purchases.

The "what the hell" effect even crosses the Pacific. The researchers ran a similar test in China that yielded comparable results. They gave 150 housewives 100 yuan that they could either save or use to buy soap, shampoo, bedding and pots and pans. Half the women received the 100 yuan in a single bill, while the other half got it in the form of a 50-yuan bill, two 20-yuan notes and a 10-yuan bill. More than 90% of the women who received the smaller bills spent the money. Meanwhile, just 80% of the women given a single note spent the money. But among those in both groups who used their cash, the small-bill half spent an average of 56.76 yuan, while the large-bill half spent 67.67 yuan.

Since shoppers with bigger bills are less likely to make purchases, frugal consumers can carry hundreds as a form of self-control. From a recession-fighting perspective, however, self-control is Satan. The U.S. government is desperate for consumers to start spending again. So maybe the Obama Administration is approaching the economic stimulus the wrong way. Forget about tax cuts and grants to state governments. Just give people a bunch of $1 bills.

23 Mar 2009

Feels good.

Pilates nearly killed me. But it feels good. Very painful, but after all it's been a while since I seriously exercised... Felt a bit like jelly afterwards, quite different from yoga actually. Needed pure determination to make myself just raise up my leg for one more time, agony! Can literally feel my muscles straining and burning, would never push myself to such an extent if I were doing it myself, hehe...

Looking forward to Hip Hop on Wednesday!! Will be alternating between Pilates on Monday and Yoga on Tuesday.

Why didn't I start taking up the lessons earlier?

Well. I was lazy. By the time I felt settled down, it was cold. I was lazy. Didn't feel motivated enough. I was lazy. Hahaha...

Went on the cycle thingy for like 20 mins while reading, then played squash/racquetball for an hour. It's so much harder than it seems! )):

Adios for now, tired!

21 Mar 2009

Oops. Lots of dust.

Sorry I haven't updated in eons!

Really busy and also really blocked.

Spring festival (very belated) celebration dinner was tonight, sang 梁山伯于朱丽叶 duet with friend (girl).

Had rehearsal last night, until 11. Then had wardrobe crisis cause I had nothing bright to wear. Probably starting revising Math at midnight. Friday class at 10, 11 is lunch+duet practice, then Math exam at 12, class at 1, work from 2-5. Went back to dorm to change, then went to rehearsal. Then rehearsed and hanged around until dinner starts... FAMISHED! But, ate too much ): Probably shouldn't have eaten so much before singing, oh well, it was good chinese food though!

Yah... tired now! Sleep!

8 Mar 2009


Okay, I'm now officially 12 hours apart from Shanghai/Singapore/Hong Kong!

The weather today is super warm and sunny!! But tomorrow it starts snowing and goes below freezing point AGAIN. I'm annoyed at the repetitive cycles!

Oh well... Have to mug for my music mid-term! ):

It's only two months and two days till SUMMER HOLIDAY! I'm overwhelmed!!

3 Mar 2009

Thank you Aunt!!

I got your package!! :D

Thanks so so so much! So sweet! hehe <3

muah! xoxo!

Update: Pink dolphin spotted! It's actually an albino! More information here!

Update #2: 果然是一出门就会花钱! -_- 可是总算有好吃的了~

2 Mar 2009

Let's travel around the world!! Seriously!

You should check this out!!

Where The Hell Is Matt?

This guy is so insane but so cool!!! At first I thought he did everything on green screen!!

Man. I hope that by the time I'm financially capable of touring the world, some extremely smart travel agency has already devised a fool-proof travel plan! Cause I'm just so bad at planning, where do I even start?!

Will you be willing to work and save up for a few years, then quit your job and use up all your money traveling? Sounds nuts, but how else do we go about doing this since we're not going to become billionaires?

Sigh. On a sidenote, it's snowing AGAIN! Wow, is spring ever coming? -_-

28 Feb 2009



终于熬到spring break!!

I have math homework, music paper and a music mid-term after the break, but it's OK! I'm happy now!

Today's the last day of Feb, which means two months++ before I'm back to Asia! It's like near but not very very near... if that makes sense.

My four future suit-mates all have Chinese backgrounds, either came from China years ago or ABC. Still need 3 more people before we can get 8-men suites! I think it's ridiculous that we need 8 people... but that probably means the suit is like huge? Hahaha. I miss being able to mix Chinese words into whatever I'm saying and people can understand! :D

I'm probably not making a lot of sense, cause this is like way too early for me to wake up on a weekend! Ok, brunch with the girls! Ciao!

27 Feb 2009

What on earth..............


So weird but so funny!

By the way, type "I am extremely" in Google and look at the suggested searches!! O_O

24 Feb 2009


What Makes a Bad Boyfriend?

Very interesting!

I want to confess that even though I work in the library and is always surrounded by intellectual books, I still like trashy books, a lot :P

And I'm so damn happy that music mid-term is postphoned till after spring break! OHMYGOSH! I was so thrilled by the professor's announcement that I had a wide, splitting grin plastered on my face the entire class. Okay, I exaggerated, but I'm really, really, really happy! Wahaha!

It's still really cold even though spring break is only like a few days away!!

Aiya, I have nothing inspiring to talk about... only random things like majority of the people actually use AIM and Twitter is like the new facebook, and I've tried neither!

Need to take an online exam today. I hate how detailed the questions are. Abhor.

16 Feb 2009

Joanne Loh! I found an article on Ron Jeremy on Time! Haha thanks to you now I can recognize his name :P

Ron Jeremy: My Life as a Porn Star

While this is very saddening...

A 10-Year-Old Divorcée Takes Paris

12 Feb 2009


Got math exam tomorrow! Boohoo. But after tomorrow it's weekend again!

This is super interesting! 25 Random Things…About Health

Some excerpts... (got more links to explore at the webpage)

2. Dogs can smell cancer and low blood sugar.

3. People who enter their home through a door near the kitchen tend to eat 15% more than those who use the front door.

5. You can’t get a tan from your computer screen. No matter what this website tells you.

9. A 60-minute nap can improve alertness for up to 10 hours. The most widely accepted record for going without a nap—or any sleep whatsoever—is 264 hours (11 days).

16. Third-hand smoke—the particles that cling to smokers’ hair and clothing and linger in a room long after they’ve left—is a cancer risk to young children (and pets).

18. Trained sexologists can infer a woman’s orgasm history by observing the way she walks. In other research news, men find women who wear red sexier than those who wear “cool” colors such as blue and green.

19. Foreign Accent Syndrome, Exploding Head Syndrome, and Alice in Wonderland Syndrome are all real (but very rare) medical conditions.

21. Some men experience pain, headaches, or sneezing as a result of ejaculation.

23. Almonds, avocados, and arugula lettuce can boost your sex drive and improve fertility.

25. Facebook may be good for your health: Studies show that staying in touch with family and friends can ward off memory loss and help you live longer.

HAHA. I really laughed out loud at the last one :P

In regards to the 2nd fact, another interesting article to read: Dogs Sniff Out Clues in the Fight Against Cancer

Medical facts intrigue me, even though I'm not even doing Bio or anything XD

10 Feb 2009

More random things!

Ok I officially suck at blog titles :P

More articles to share!!

25 More Things I Didn't Want to Know About You

Hahaha a continuation of the last one.

Steve Harvey: What Men Really Think

I want this book man!

This Is Why You're Fat

Very very gross!

Post Secret


6 Feb 2009

Yay Friday!


It's so freaking cold! ):

Too tired/lazy to blog, but wanna share a very interesting article, about the 25 facts thing that was going around on Facebook :P

25 Things I Didn't Want to Know About You

3 Feb 2009


It snows again!! So so so so pretty!

New snow sparkles like a carpet of tiny diamonds! :D Prettier than any kind of decoration, hahaha. Wah, I've never spent Valentines surrounded by snow leh! o_o

Sorry it's like 6+ after I finished work, too dark to see anything...

Yesterday was rather warm, and I was happy, but today's really pretty! Kinda tied about which kind of day I like more, but whatever it's not like I can decide :p

Interesting article: The Biology of Dating: Why Him, Why Her?

2 Feb 2009

No time!

Busy busy busy! Tests and quizzes all coming up! ):

Only first day of the week, already tired...

So in order to cheer myself up and make this entry less pointless I'm going to bombard you guys with pictures... of earrings! :D

Hahaha I'm bored lah ok! Busy but bored! At least got update ok!