29 Oct 2008

Damn wind.

Temperature now: 1.8°C
Tonight: -1 °C

Tomorrow Hi: 9 °C Lo: -2 °C


Wa lao eh, I don't think I've ever been in a place this cold! And windy. Wind is annoying.

Something very scary happened this morning, I woke up and went to the bathroom, when I came back I couldn't open my door! The key pad lock thing screwed up, numbers 1 2 3 7 8 9 no response! WHAT!! I freaked out but I couldn't scream cause it's like 8 am. And I wasn't wearing glasses so I'm also half blind. And I have to get to class! Thankfully my RA happened to walk pass so I told her about it and she went to get the keys to open my door. While waiting for her I kept pressing the keys and suddenly they worked! Phew! Damn scary. What a horrible start to the morning!

Totally an omen. Cultural Diversity exam was bad bad bad. I don't even want to think about it! I realized I'm not very good at foreseeing essay questions, boo.

I'm so loaded with work it's not even funny!!

1. Exam review session tonight
2. Studying Abroad Info Session tomorrow
3. Rhetorical Tradition Exam on Fri
4. Evaluative persuasive speech on Mon
5. 3 Peer essay evaluations due on Mon + one reading
6. Research essay 2nd draft due on Wed
7. Extra credit event on Wed
8. Get flu shot on Wed
9. Reading assignments for classes and other miscellaneous stuff

Funny how it doesn't seem like a lot when it's all listed, but trust me it's overwhelming!

I have to go for conference (writing) later in a few minutes. It's so cold I don't want to work!!

I can't wait for weekend to come!

27 Oct 2008

I hate time of the month.



Is this why it's necessary to get a baby otherwise we'll have suffered all the pain for nothing?

Well ok, there are people who don't feel the pain at all. Super jealous!

Mon, Wed and Fri are long days, especially today cause I was sleepy and in pain. Reached my room at 4 pm-ish and had to crawl into bed, curled awkwardly into foetus position and fell asleep almost immediately. Forced myself out of bed at 6:30 to get dinner.

Would love to hide under my blanket now and hope that all sorts of troubles will solve themselves. Such as whether I could get extension to stay in my dorm during winter break or I might need to do some last minute travel plans. And I need to move out of my room completely within 24 hours of my last final exam, what on earth do I do with all my stuff?

Sometimes it's just so ridiculous, life as an international student.

Lots of activities tomorrow, class discussion, dinner with my 'big sister', need to watch a debate to write a paper for public speaking and rhetorical tradition as well. And there's the ridiculously heavy content cultural diversity exam to prepare for (after I complete the course I'm gonna take a picture of all the reading I had to do, it's insane). And my writing prof. just said today that we need to bring the latest draft of our research essay for class on Wed. ARGH.

This is completely random, but most people here use ball-point pens, instead of ink pens, wonder why?

25 Oct 2008

Early Saturday

While I'm not thrilled to wake up earlier than noon on a Saturday, chocolate buffet at Langhem Hotel was pretty awesome! It's those posh hotels where it costs a bomb to eat anything there, but the school is paying for this, so YAY!

Sorry I was so totally into eating and talking that I only took two pictures. I actually didn't finish everything, I really can't eat so many sweet things! But all the desserts are so cute and pretty! Looking at them make me happy! I was being very selective, there are probably around 80 types, my favourites were truffles, opera cake and macaroons! Heaven for people with sweet tooth, but also a place to avoid at all cost unless you can afford to get fat.

I have like two exams coming up... boo. I was going to say that I will be studying like crazy this weekend but we all know that won't happen. :P And I've given up thinking about what I should do on Halloween, but at least I have the excuse that I have exam on that day, I guess... XD

Oh I just found out that my finals end by mid May or so, and school reopens in Sept!!!!!!!! LOOONG SUMMMER WHEEEEE! HK, Shanghai, Singapore here I come!!

Weather is good!!

Ignore my hand.

Failed attempt at a bun.

21 Oct 2008

Double post!

Oops, it's raining now.

Went to library just now to do research. I'm still amazed at the number of books there are. omg I think I spent like 2 hours there, not very good at locating books... There are so many many books on China, I even saw a big book on China propaganda posters! If SSIS had such a library it'd be a lot easier to get A and 7s for EE and IAs and whatnot! Bliss. Ok, bliss compared to not having resources but it's a headache going through all the reading.

There are even government documents! They have these cool spacesaver shelves that can be moved to the right or left automatically if you press a button. I was just wondering if anyone got stuck in between shelves before... or do they have high tech sensors kind of thing? Haha.

Arrgghh, I don't feel like writing my research essay! ): And I have conference with the prof. tomorrow so I can't even run away or something. ROAR.

And who else received the email from the GYLC people about ISLP? What is that?? Weird. XD

The nicer things in life

'Erin Brockovich' was amazing! All the more inspirational/touching/intriguing that it's based on a true story! It just made me wonder how many young, ambitious people became lawyers in hopes to bring justice to others but gradually are numbed by legislation, paper work and the sometimes unreasonable law and court system, they start losing their passion and integrity. Beyond sad. I mean, the law is created by people, so why are some people not getting what they deserve (both good and bad)? It's all just very disheartening to me. Oh wait! I was supposed to talk about nice things!! ...

Chocolate brunch on Saturday at downtown! :D Woooooooooooooo, paid by the school wahahahaha. I'm a little apprehensive about everything being chocolate, but at least it'll look nice? That keeps me happy for now, hehe.

Uh... more happy things? It's not raining today.


如果没有这些词 那还有什么?

Just wanted to write some rubbish chinese.

20 Oct 2008

Brrrr Monday

I can't use refreshing or cooling to describe the wind anymore. It's just cold. The wind makes its way through layers of clothes and makes my face numb. And it's not even snowing yet! I still see people wearing short sleeves, or bermuda shorts. I secretly think they're insane, abnormal, sickening :P Can some brilliant scientist discover a gene which can make us resistant to cold please?

I went to the walk-in help tech desk today and my portable hard drive seems perfectly fine. It's just that the usb ports on the back of the laptop doesn't seem to be providing enough power? The side ones worked fine. What the...

Of course I'm relieved, but it's such a stupid problem! Why do things like that happen out of the blue?! Technical problems irk me. To think I went through all the worrying and troubles of researching and trying to remove something which cannot be removed. Someone needs to invent an idiot-proof program which tells people exactly what the problem is and how to solve it. Pfftt. :P

I refuse to think about all the exams and assignments next week. Yep.

Oh I finally got a 100 for my Chinese test! But I also realized that the language courses are a year thing not a semester thing, which means I can't take Japanese next year and I will only be able to get to 2nd year Japanese cause I'll be studying abroad during Junior year! Oh no! ):

Two movie assignments this week are 'Erin Brockovich' and 'Hotel Rwanda'. Seriously how many of times have I seen 'Hotel Rwanda'? XD Last week was 'Malcolm X', and today we watched MLK Jr.'s 'I have a Dream' speech. History lessons actually came handy. :P And I suddenly miss Ms Berry (ok not Ms anymore but I don't know her husband's name)! I don't know if anyone still remember how she played a prank on us by saying the school only allowed the boys to go to Africa (or somewhere else, I forgot) but not girls, and even segregated us in class? We got so pissed that we complained to Ms Yap! Hilarious, we completely fell for it. XD

Started watching Project Runway Season 5, personally don't think the contestants are as good as the seasons before... maybe it's just me. I love how Heidi Klum looks gorgeous and impeccable every time, geeze. :P

I'm soo sleepy. ZZZZzzzzZzzzz...

18 Oct 2008


Not listed in order.

1. Doctor (but then you don't know which illness you'll get so it may not be the one in your friend's field? hmmm, but at least he/she will know other doctor friends too, I guess... XD)

2. Lawyer (hopefully won't even need this friend to fight my case but for consultation purposes :P)

3. Financial planner or stockbroker (the purpose is quite obvious :P but on second thought I don't think I'll even talk about my finances with a friend o_0)

4. Someone who knows where to get the best food!

5. Someone who knows how to plan travel trips!

6. A genius who can deal with computer/3C product problems! OMG I NEED THIS PERSON NOW!!! I can't access my F drive in my portable hard disk... T_T I can see E and F in my computer but F is corrupted and unaccessible! I did some research, suspect it's cause of some 'autorun.inf' thing. Tried to remove it with some programs but CANNOT! At my wit's end!

Haiz. I hate how unreliable technical products are.

The weather is sunny and gorgeous today but I'm in such a foul moooooood.

17 Oct 2008

Currently reading: Towards Zero by Agatha Christie

I have a weighing scale now! And a food diary, which is basically a record of what I eat for every day. I'm not sure if I can lose weight but I definitely don't want to gain weight. With all the pasta and cheese and whatnot, sigh...

It's getting cold again, but at least not raining on weekend this time. (: Oh, I noticed that girls here wear tights (are those called tights? black legging sorta thing but ends at calf or ankle?) without wearing any skirt or shorts or whatever over it! I mean... I've never seen anyone else dress like that, but I guess it works... just a little strange and awkward. XD

Some picture updates which I haven't been uploading...

Huge huge huge screen and cute keyboard! You have to give Apple some credit for making 3C products so sleek and chio :D

Random urge to take a picture cause it looked nice. The picture probably doesn't look too nice cause you can't really see the lighting...

'Salmon lover' at Prudential :D

Attempt at changing my hairstyle... Somehow the girls here can do pretty buns which are natural and chio but I have no idea how they do that!

Again, it wasn't supposed to be this dark cause sunlight was in my face, but now they seem a little emo. I wasn't emo, I was just bored. :P

Fried fish sandwich! Probably the cheapest choice for a meal, $3.69! I know tartar sauce is fattening but can't help it!

Uh, had to take pictures to see how my hair looked from the back.

Lastly, narcissism

16 Oct 2008

Finished Reading: Harvesting the Heart by Jodi Picoult

I love her books! This one actually doesn't include any court scenes at all!

I still have a lot of her books back in Shanghai... Guess I'll only get to read them when I go back during summer.

The library's an awesome place to study, but since I have my own room I don't really need go there. XD Maybe before finals, less distraction.

The credits management course was really useful. The US credit report system thing is really confusing... I wish I have the IQ and interest to study finances but I realize it's really not my type of thing. Granted I'm getting annoyed at writing assignments but I'd take up literature than finance any day, that's just me. XD

15 Oct 2008

Eat Your Germs


No doubt you have heard that yogurt is teeming with bacteria—and no doubt you try not to think about that as you dig into a cup of the stuff. Yes, they're supposed to be good bacteria, ones that not only don't make you sick but actually improve your health. Still, a spoonful of critters with unlovely names like Lactobacillus reuteri, Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Bifidus regularis will never sound like a palate pleaser to even the most dedicated health nut.

Whether or not you've ever developed a taste—or even a tolerance—for living things in your lunch, more are on the way. Food companies have been coming to the conclusion that if a few of these superstar bacteria are good for you, then more will be even better. This is giving rise to a small but growing product line called probiotics, in which the bacteria population is boosted, sometimes considerably. For consumers, of course, the question is, Do these products work?

Probiotics have been around for a long time, mostly in the form of dietary supplements. They're also found naturally in foods like yogurt, buttermilk, sauerkraut and tofu. Recently, however, the Dannon Co. has been making a marketing splash with a yogurt line named Activia, which is fortified with extra bacteria. So far, this bet seems to be paying off, with more than $100 million in sales in the product's first year in the U.S. alone. Other companies are coming forward with probiotic yogurt drinks and fortified beverages, which are also finding a market. There is a fair body of science suggesting that some consumers are spending their dollars wisely.

"The superstar bacteria stick around in your intestines a lot longer," says Dr. Gary Huffnagle, a professor of internal medicine at the University of Michigan and co-author of The Probiotics Revolution. In the digestive tract, the bacteria help regulate and restore peristalsis, the rhythmic motion of the intestine that pushes digested food through. There's a reason one of the bugs has the word regularis as its second name, and this intestinal toning is it. "Doesn't matter if you are constipated or the opposite," Huffnagle says. "These bacteria can help make you, um, regular."

Huffnagle's research also suggests that the bacteria can battle numerous kinds of allergies—and not just food allergies. This is a somewhat harder scientific case to make, but Huffnagle's belief is that since anything you breathe you may also swallow in at least some quantity, the good bacteria in your gut could help control allergens.

Not everyone is sold on probiotics. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is relatively neutral, using the growing popularity of the products as an opportunity to caution manufacturers not to pitch the foods as some sort of panacea for any specific disease. More important, some people should avoid the products altogether. Those with weakened immune systems or who are critically ill would be well advised to stay away from eating live bacteria. Certainly anyone in the hospital would also count. Furthermore, the products can take a little getting used to, even for the otherwise healthy. If you are new to the world of probiotics and you suddenly start eating a lot, there is a good chance you could experience uncomfortable bloating.

"You have just started a civil war in your intestines between good bacteria and bad bacteria," Huffnagle says. Fortunately, the war is usually over in one or two weeks, and, stresses Huffnagle, "the good guys win."

Expect to see lots of those good guys on store shelves soon. At least five companies in the U.S. either are in the probiotic game or are planning to enter. Plain yogurt remains the best product for added bacteria because it has three things the bugs absolutely love: lactose (or naturally occurring sugar), fat and water. Another food out there with both sugar and fat is chocolate, and—you guessed it—the company Attune already has a probiotic chocolate bar. That's something that may prompt me to give the superstar bacteria a try after all.

In library hogging the computer

Of course I can use my own laptop and be comfy in my dorm room but Sue decided to pull me along to the library so now I am sitting on a high chair hogging the library computer doing nothing productive at all! :P Wow, long sentence.

Ok good things first. I'm loving the carpets of red, orange, yellow leaves on campus, which give me such good moods! How could anyone not love autumn/fall? It's amazing!

Now the bad side, I feel overwhelmed by all the things I have to do!


1. Chinese exam on Friday. Sure, it's easy but it's still an exam.
2. Public Speaking quiz on Monday. Ughhh, definitions!!
3. Research Essay draft due next Wednesday. This is one I'm pissed about. I haven't really started doing research yet!! I'll have to work hard on this one during weekend... SIGH.
4. Read 3 peer essays, which means 3 reviews due on Monday.
5. Journal for Freshmen Topic Seminar. I keep pushing this off.
6. Reading assignment and response for Cultural Diversity due Friday!
7. Some meeting about managing finances tomorrow evening. This is optional but I thought it would be helpful.

Also, last presidential debate tonight! Wonder if I should watch it on TV or on youtube or something the next day.

Got back Cultural Diversity first exam. Got a B!!!!! ARGH!!! So worried about the second exam... Reading assignments are so wordy and sometimes I just get so bored! The Prof doesn't give guidelines at all so I'm not sure if I'm missing some important points in class. Lately we have been doing more discussion like activities and not lecture which leaves me clueless about the points I should pick up. Frustrating!! Need to start memorizing authors and their concepts, and definitions. I'm bad at definitions. OTL

Ok, done complaining.

14 Oct 2008

GG Spoilers! Sorta.

The reason why I didn't blog about GG was because I completely forgot it was Monday night! I just watched episode 6 just now, I think Serena wins just solely based on how she dressed! :P LOVE HER BLAZER OMG!

I'm glad they reconciled though, can't really stand too much cat fights and bitchiness. Scheming Chuck obviously got the upper hand with the yalies but he definitely needs a friend, the three guys may end up being buddies, who knows. :D

Lastly, Lily and Rufus FTW!! Poor Lily, poor Rufus. Sigh.

13 Oct 2008

The world goes round and round

This entry probably doesn't make sense to anyone else, and wasn't intended to make sense whatsoever.

Why do we keep seeing repetition?

Repetition of thoughts. Repetition of feelings. Repetition of words said, or unsaid. Repetition of what was seen, or what we thought we saw. Repetition of tests and difficulties and hurdles to overcome.

Having been through something once doesn't make us 'immune' to it, does it?

Why do we keep going in circles? Why must we fall in step with the trails we left behind? Why must we relive the same agony over and over? Why can't we say 'forget it' and really do?

12 Oct 2008

Gorgeous gorgeous weather

This weekend has fabulous weather so far!! :D Hope it stays sunny and breezy throughout the week, hehe.

Went out today to Copley (Best Buy, Bed Bath & Beyond), then Prudential (Body Shop, Sephora, Shaws), ate sushi and salmon. :D I don't seem to have a lot of luck with catching trains/buses, spent at least an hour, probably more than that, waiting for transportation... Fortunately it wasn't cold, if not... - -

While waiting for the shuttle bus to arrive, saw four japanese girls. One of them was wearing this gorgeous-to-die-for pair of gold pumps!! Another one was wearing a double-beasted button down honey-colored coat (which I love!!) with black stockings and black pumps, I thought that was quite sleek and sexy but maybe only to asians. XD Probably should have asked them where they bought them, hmm...

I'm going to Newbury Street tomorrow (which I think is something like Orchard Rd?) to check out H&M, American Apparel, American Eagle, A&F and whatnot!! Kk, I'll try to restrain myself since I've already spent quite a lot today, but I definitely want to get a nice winter coat from H&M! :D

Oh, 《魔杰座》大陆版 came out on eMule, should I get it now or wait for the TW version? ><

Better get some reading done, still don't know what to do for research essay yet! ): Ja!

10 Oct 2008

Introducing... who?

Check out this video, damn hilarious :D

The weather today and yesterday are fabulous! Sunny yay!

The weather report for my windows sidebar doesn't seem to be working ):

Anyway, got my position speech results, 112/120. Not very satisfied if you ask me... I should probably start studying for the quiz but I don't like reading the textbook online!! ><


8 Oct 2008


Done with speech! HUGE SIGH OF RELIEF! I'm not sure if I nailed it, but I'm so happy it's over! I felt like puking (slept too late) and my stomach felt really funny before the speech, but once I started talking I forgot about being nervous. Maybe cause some friends in that class were really encouraging. (: Hopefully I'll get a decent score, but I'm thrilled that I can slack for the next three classes when the others do their speeches, hehe.

Random: Saw a girl who looks like Blake Lively!! Ok from afar, but chio nevertheless!

Ok ok, I figured out yesterday that I needed to change the settings for 'language for non-Unicode' in order to play RO, or view Chinese in txt files. I wish I knew that early, maybe don't need to change all the song names manually!! Gahhh, but I'm already done. - -

Added new songs to playlist! 小酒窝很好听~说好的幸福呢 听了超想哭。Tell me if the songs are not working, thanks! (:

7 Oct 2008


If you haven't already seen this on my MSN screen name: 电饭煲烘出来的croissants超赞的!!


When I don't feel like drinking any hot tea/hot chocolate, my hair dryer comes in handy as my source of warmth. XD The downside is that it's too noisy.

I made dinner for myself today, somehow the process of making it is actually more enjoyable than the eating part?

Carrots, lettuce, mushrooms.

The noodles, which I find too soft, or maybe I cooked them for too long. ><

My whole room had carrot smell afterwards.


Okay, back to speech preparation! T_T

I love how shoes are so overpriced. /sarcasm

On Monday for Writing Seminar, my Prof. took out a black high heel and told us to write something about it for 15 minutes or so? I'm not going to go all philosophical over it, but here's an essay to read if you're interested: High on Heels? Society's Obsession with Pain

Of all accessories, I adore earrings and shoes the most (are shoes accessories? :P). I don't know why, I just do. My mood changes with every pair of earrings or shoes, in the sense that I'll carry myself slightly differently. Enough bullshiting, I did some online 'window shopping', and here are some pictures to share.

Victoria's Secret

Colin Stuart®
Satin platform Mary Jane peep-toe pump

Boutique 9
Slingback peep-toe pump

Colin Stuart®
Satin lace-up oxford pump

Boutique 9
Retro Mary Jane pump

Patent peep-toe oxford

Colin Stuart®
Foldover bootie

Jessica Simpson®
Slingback patent pump

Colin Stuart®
Peep-toe pump
Special any 2/$88

Another color please!
Colin Stuart®
Mary Jane pump
Special any 2/$88

Colin Stuart®
Lace-up oxford pump

Colin Stuart®
Suede t-strap pump

Colin Stuart®
Strappy patent pump

Lace-up oxford pump

Colin Stuart®
Lace-up platform oxford

Colin Stuart®
Satin crisscross pump

Colin Stuart®
Satin Mary Jane pump

Peep-toe Mary Jane pump

Naughty Monkey™
Leather t-strap pump

Colin Stuart®
Anklestrap pump

Christian Louboutin
= Crazy prices

So cool! O_O
Rodita zip platforms

Zipette - Black

Drapiday - Heather Coal

Very Croise sandals

Privatita pumps

Satin platform sandals

Ultimate fav!!
Bling Bling Peep Toe Pumps

Jimmy Choo

Myrtle jewelled sandals

Groove patent sandals

Atlas patent sandals

Nine West


Raven, Boutique 9



Bubbles, Boutique 9



Marc Jacobs
Butterfly shoe boots

Suede peep-toe slingbacks

Suede platform pumps

Pedro Garcia
Penelope platform pumps

Suede cross over sandals

Sergio Rossi
Two-tone sandals

Miu Miu
Crown detail stilleto sandals

Aside from the obvious fact that the prices are way out of my league, they are also too tall! I probably can't do anything in those shoes except sit down? It's sickening that high heels are so lovely but so painful. While I wish they had lower heels so I could actually wear them, I also know that they won't look half as good if they weren't that high. Sigh.

What I really need to get now, means practical shoes, are warm boots and rain boots. And a warm bathrobe.