21 Oct 2008

The nicer things in life

'Erin Brockovich' was amazing! All the more inspirational/touching/intriguing that it's based on a true story! It just made me wonder how many young, ambitious people became lawyers in hopes to bring justice to others but gradually are numbed by legislation, paper work and the sometimes unreasonable law and court system, they start losing their passion and integrity. Beyond sad. I mean, the law is created by people, so why are some people not getting what they deserve (both good and bad)? It's all just very disheartening to me. Oh wait! I was supposed to talk about nice things!! ...

Chocolate brunch on Saturday at downtown! :D Woooooooooooooo, paid by the school wahahahaha. I'm a little apprehensive about everything being chocolate, but at least it'll look nice? That keeps me happy for now, hehe.

Uh... more happy things? It's not raining today.


如果没有这些词 那还有什么?

Just wanted to write some rubbish chinese.

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