8 Oct 2008


Done with speech! HUGE SIGH OF RELIEF! I'm not sure if I nailed it, but I'm so happy it's over! I felt like puking (slept too late) and my stomach felt really funny before the speech, but once I started talking I forgot about being nervous. Maybe cause some friends in that class were really encouraging. (: Hopefully I'll get a decent score, but I'm thrilled that I can slack for the next three classes when the others do their speeches, hehe.

Random: Saw a girl who looks like Blake Lively!! Ok from afar, but chio nevertheless!

Ok ok, I figured out yesterday that I needed to change the settings for 'language for non-Unicode' in order to play RO, or view Chinese in txt files. I wish I knew that early, maybe don't need to change all the song names manually!! Gahhh, but I'm already done. - -

Added new songs to playlist! 小酒窝很好听~说好的幸福呢 听了超想哭。Tell me if the songs are not working, thanks! (:

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