20 Oct 2008

Brrrr Monday

I can't use refreshing or cooling to describe the wind anymore. It's just cold. The wind makes its way through layers of clothes and makes my face numb. And it's not even snowing yet! I still see people wearing short sleeves, or bermuda shorts. I secretly think they're insane, abnormal, sickening :P Can some brilliant scientist discover a gene which can make us resistant to cold please?

I went to the walk-in help tech desk today and my portable hard drive seems perfectly fine. It's just that the usb ports on the back of the laptop doesn't seem to be providing enough power? The side ones worked fine. What the...

Of course I'm relieved, but it's such a stupid problem! Why do things like that happen out of the blue?! Technical problems irk me. To think I went through all the worrying and troubles of researching and trying to remove something which cannot be removed. Someone needs to invent an idiot-proof program which tells people exactly what the problem is and how to solve it. Pfftt. :P

I refuse to think about all the exams and assignments next week. Yep.

Oh I finally got a 100 for my Chinese test! But I also realized that the language courses are a year thing not a semester thing, which means I can't take Japanese next year and I will only be able to get to 2nd year Japanese cause I'll be studying abroad during Junior year! Oh no! ):

Two movie assignments this week are 'Erin Brockovich' and 'Hotel Rwanda'. Seriously how many of times have I seen 'Hotel Rwanda'? XD Last week was 'Malcolm X', and today we watched MLK Jr.'s 'I have a Dream' speech. History lessons actually came handy. :P And I suddenly miss Ms Berry (ok not Ms anymore but I don't know her husband's name)! I don't know if anyone still remember how she played a prank on us by saying the school only allowed the boys to go to Africa (or somewhere else, I forgot) but not girls, and even segregated us in class? We got so pissed that we complained to Ms Yap! Hilarious, we completely fell for it. XD

Started watching Project Runway Season 5, personally don't think the contestants are as good as the seasons before... maybe it's just me. I love how Heidi Klum looks gorgeous and impeccable every time, geeze. :P

I'm soo sleepy. ZZZZzzzzZzzzz...

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