15 Oct 2008

In library hogging the computer

Of course I can use my own laptop and be comfy in my dorm room but Sue decided to pull me along to the library so now I am sitting on a high chair hogging the library computer doing nothing productive at all! :P Wow, long sentence.

Ok good things first. I'm loving the carpets of red, orange, yellow leaves on campus, which give me such good moods! How could anyone not love autumn/fall? It's amazing!

Now the bad side, I feel overwhelmed by all the things I have to do!


1. Chinese exam on Friday. Sure, it's easy but it's still an exam.
2. Public Speaking quiz on Monday. Ughhh, definitions!!
3. Research Essay draft due next Wednesday. This is one I'm pissed about. I haven't really started doing research yet!! I'll have to work hard on this one during weekend... SIGH.
4. Read 3 peer essays, which means 3 reviews due on Monday.
5. Journal for Freshmen Topic Seminar. I keep pushing this off.
6. Reading assignment and response for Cultural Diversity due Friday!
7. Some meeting about managing finances tomorrow evening. This is optional but I thought it would be helpful.

Also, last presidential debate tonight! Wonder if I should watch it on TV or on youtube or something the next day.

Got back Cultural Diversity first exam. Got a B!!!!! ARGH!!! So worried about the second exam... Reading assignments are so wordy and sometimes I just get so bored! The Prof doesn't give guidelines at all so I'm not sure if I'm missing some important points in class. Lately we have been doing more discussion like activities and not lecture which leaves me clueless about the points I should pick up. Frustrating!! Need to start memorizing authors and their concepts, and definitions. I'm bad at definitions. OTL

Ok, done complaining.

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