18 Oct 2008


Not listed in order.

1. Doctor (but then you don't know which illness you'll get so it may not be the one in your friend's field? hmmm, but at least he/she will know other doctor friends too, I guess... XD)

2. Lawyer (hopefully won't even need this friend to fight my case but for consultation purposes :P)

3. Financial planner or stockbroker (the purpose is quite obvious :P but on second thought I don't think I'll even talk about my finances with a friend o_0)

4. Someone who knows where to get the best food!

5. Someone who knows how to plan travel trips!

6. A genius who can deal with computer/3C product problems! OMG I NEED THIS PERSON NOW!!! I can't access my F drive in my portable hard disk... T_T I can see E and F in my computer but F is corrupted and unaccessible! I did some research, suspect it's cause of some 'autorun.inf' thing. Tried to remove it with some programs but CANNOT! At my wit's end!

Haiz. I hate how unreliable technical products are.

The weather is sunny and gorgeous today but I'm in such a foul moooooood.

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