30 Sept 2008


I wanted to blog about something but... I couldn't find the right words to describe what I was feeling.

I can't believe this is happening again.

Sometimes you think about whether you've made the right choice, but the truth is, it wasn't a choice at all.

And sometimes, you wish you have an ctrl+F combination and delete key in real life.

No, don't try to make sense of that.

Can't think of a title

Just watched episode 5 of GG, realized Nate didn't appear at all! And... I kinda feel sorry for Chuck, but I think Chuck and Dan are quite funny together! :D Don't want to comment on S and B. = =

Why are brownies so bloody sweet.

Saw some cute 刀刀 pictures, may upload some now and then.

29 Sept 2008


Holy crap!! I forgot to watch GG!!



Fine, SurfTheChannel to the rescue, tomorrow. XD


Monday Blues?

Serious stuff first, bailout plan rejected! Surprise, surprise!

"About 60% of Democrats and fewer than 33% of Republicans voted for the measure."

How ironic.

Just watched Sarah Palin's CBS interviews. 无语!

Day 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbQwAFobQxQ
Day 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jj7nBrdm4LE&feature=iv&annotation_id=event_731544

You may wonder why I'm suddenly so interested in politics, well, I'm not, at all. :P It just so happens that we've been discussing a lot of politics in classes so I thought I should keep myself updated. To be very frank, politics bore me, but sometimes they can be quite entertaining, in Sarah Palin's case I guess.

Ok ok, back to my own life which isn't interesting or exciting whatsoever that's why I needed politics to spice it up a little. Despite my monday blues - which I have no clue why - got back Rhetorical Tradition exam today. Total score 275, 5 marks per question, got 4 wrong, hence ended up with 255 which is just above the 250 A Grade range. PHEW. I'm kinda disappointed though, there's this really dumb careless mistake and I wish I studied harder. The thing is A grade for this class is 900 out of 1000 points (after 3 exams and weekly dicussions), and since I lost 20 marks for this exam, I only have 80 more to spare! Stress much? ><

For some reason I feel that my professor for writing is biased. Maybe it's just me, but sometimes sixth sense is really accurate you know?

Yesterday night I suddenly couldn't access tudou and that seriously freaked me out. Thankfully it's fine now, and I hope it stays that way! It's bad enough that I can't download, please don't take tudou away. :P

I just realized I have to do my position speech next Wednesday. Maybe that's why I'm feeling moody. T_T

27 Sept 2008


OMG! After seeing the picture of macaroons on che min's blog I went on a crazy search for pictures of macaroons and other assortments of desserts! Well, I don't really have a sweet tooth, in fact some of the desserts here are so sweet they give me toothaches! BUT, I love looking at pictures!! They're so adorable and cute and delicious-looking, they make me so happy! :D


Okay, I don't understand why I tortured myself like that but maybe I could share my agony a little! :P Here comes temptation!!

Anyone else misses pandan cake? I do!! ><