3 Sept 2008

Second day of school

I had classes at 9am, 11am, 1pm, 2pm and 3pm today. Pretty packed schedule. 50 mins class each so 10 mins to get between classes for the afternoon. INSANE. They're not super far away but one class ended 5 mins late and that was disastrous. It's not easy to run in flip-flops lor... XD

Yesterday's class was pretty alright, met this girl Kelly who's really nice and pretty. The Prof is quite nice and she laughs real loud. We'll be doing a lot of discussions and out of class events, looking forward to them. Will be meeting the Prof again tomorrow for advising session.

Okay, first class was Public Speaking at 9 am. I was the only Freshmen... eek. We'll be doing 4 different types of speeches in class which will be graded, plus class participation, use of powerpoint, quizzes and evaluations etc. A is 940-1000. So not easy... It's quite stressful actually. There's this guy in air force who's a senior and he was wearing his uniform! Met my BC 'Big Sister' too! It probably isn't the best idea to do so much talking at 9 am but I'll try. = =

Next was Rhetorical Tradition, which was a lecture with 270 students! Watched some interesting video clips including jibjabs's videos on youtube poking fun at the presidency candidates. There'll be 3 exams for the course, and 5 required films to watch on the BC channel. The course is pretty interesting, I just don't now how the assignments or exams will turn out to be like. The challenge is to keep myself awake in such a big lecture.

Chinese class is a big joke! Grace, you can cut my hair if I don't top the class :P Only two people in the class can speak Chinese fluent enough, including myself. I don't think the other guy writes in Chinese as much as I do. I'm the only Freshmen, again. It's basically slack class for me :D I wish I don't have to buy the textbook but sighh... There're two caucasians in the class and they are really cute when they talk in Chinese. Some Koreans and some Asian immigrants. I don't think I'll need to worry about this class... that's an easy 3 credits! Although I actually don't need them, hmm.

When is my Diploma Certificate going to come? ):

Okay, Chinese ended 5 mins late so I had to make a dash for the Race, Class and Gender class. It's a big class even though it's not lecture. Met Erin who was in the same GYLC group as me! The teacher is pretty strict leh... and the topic is like so serious. There's so many terms like CRF - critical race feminism, meritocracy, sociological biography etc etc. I'm probably most worried about this class now... There's SO MUCH reading to do. Bought a book for this, 'Killing the black body'. It's definitely not going to be an easy class! And A is like 94-100. Somebody kill me... The reading-load is insane. 3 Exams + class participation + class discussions + writing assignments + pop quizzes! OMG! It's not even funny. Boo.

First exam Sept 26th! WTH!

See. I don't know if I'm making a huge mistake by staying in the class but I guess it's really the most challenging one I have? But it's my first semester... I don't know. It's just really troublesome to drop class now cause I need to get notes for the other classes and maybe missed some important information.

Ok, it'll be a challenge. A big one.

Last class was First Year Writing Seminar. The Prof jokes without any facial expression! So sometimes I'm not sure if he's really making a joke or not... Obviously this class need a lot of writing done. 3 Major papers take 50%, class participation 25%, other assignments 25%. Again, this means I have to try to contribute a lot. Bought two books for that, 'Fresh Ink' which compiles essays of last year's Freshmen, and I actually met one of them in Public Speaking class so it's quite cool. The other one is 'The Best American Essays 2007'.

Met a girl who lives on the same floor as me, she's Korean but has lived in US for her whole life and doesn't look or speak like a Korean at all. Hanged out with her for the afternoon on the grass, had ice-cream which was so good. Then had dinner with her and other friends, ate clam chowder cream soup which was super good too! Super filling, again. All the girls complain about how we pay the same amount of money for food but because we can't finish them we always get smaller portions while the guys get a mountain of food. It'd be great if we could pay half price for half the portion but too bad, haha.

I still have 3 more books to buy, those are the expensive ones. Although I don't have any class tomorrow, it's still a busy day cause I need to get my books, check-in with the international department, meet my Advisor at 2, attend the Atheletic Pep Rally at 5, attend something which I forgot at 6. What is that thing at 6?? Oh my gosh... @_@

On Friday I have to go collect my bank card and set up the online banking system. Sunday I have to go to the supermarket and maybe audition for the A Cappella group.

And I also need to order a printer and laptop lock.

I need a break already. XD

Okay I need to figure what I'm supposed to attend tomorrow at 6...

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