5 Sept 2008


Sorry people who couldn't find my wall! There was something wrong with the settings but it's all solved now! (:

Eh, it's really hot here. Sometimes there's wind and it's a lot better under trees but my room is a freaking sauna, even with a fan. I wish it'll get cooler! Not cold, just cooler. Yeah, be careful of what you wish for. XD

There're lots of events going on in campus and lots of meetings/info sessions to attend! Busy is an understatement really. I have tons to stuff to read for that Cultural Diversity class and now for other classes as well.

But it's weekends! Yay! Have to do laundry though. Other than that, life is pretty good. (:

Is it true like Michelle said baidu is blocked in the states? So pissifying. I'm not going to download I just want to link a song dammit! ):

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