9 Sept 2008

It's raining cats and dogs

It started pouring today, thankfully I saw the rain and got my umbrella before going to class. It's a bit cold now, need to pull out the long sleeves and jackets and hoods. Rain is really annoying when you're trying to get to classes, and suddenly all the indoor dining halls and libraries and everywhere you can possibly sit is crammed with people. Not cool, although the smell of rain and grass is nice.

I need to stop procrastinating at night, not even 30% done with all the readings yet. Will have dinner tonight with my 'big sister' Amanda and her friends, then must study hard!! >_<

Went to an internship introduction workshop yesterday and coincidentally met Amanda. The databases sound really cool and there're interesting jobs available for my major, advertising, events planning, public relations stuff. But all these will have to wait until at least next semester, cause I have absolutely no idea how to write my resume & cover letter and nothing to put on them! I remotely remember that Ms Chan taught us how to write a resume in S3 but all the stuff I wrote back then is irrelevant now.

I like pretzels. Hehe. The mini ones are the best.

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