14 Sept 2008


Ohohoho. Someone just made my day!

You know how they say things like 每逢佳节倍思亲 and I didn't believe it last time, cause there's no way I would know it's a festival then there's no way I would miss people right? Wrong. Cause my family will wish me 中秋快乐 and a call back to home suddenly makes me nostalgic and wishing I was there at dinner with them or something. Yeah.

I suppose it's the rain outside that makes me feel a little moody. Wonder why it's always raining on weekends?

I think I've said it before but people here study hard. Okay some of them study hard so that they can party and have fun for the weekend, which isn't really me but they can really concentrate man! I'm forever distracted by my laptop. XD

Love this song.


你我的相遇 并非是一种偶然
是很久以前 就已注定的命运

每次闭上双眼 每次仰望天空
梦幻般的往日记忆 静静苏醒

每一次前进 路途却更加遥远
尽管如此 我仍要坚持走下去

我不愿意 彻底忘却这段回忆
深爱的双眸 或是温柔的话语
我能否相信 我们会再次相遇
在那天之前 我不会流下泪滴

你我的相遇 并非是一种偶然
是很久以前 就已不变的命运

好像再一次 与你真心地欢笑
即使这只是 无法实现的梦想

我已能够看见 我和你的明天
你也了然于心 无论什么时间
曾经许下誓言 我要将你守护
在悲伤的时候 陪伴在你身边

你我的相遇 并非是一种偶然
是长久以前 一直梦想的命运

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